75% of Canada approves of what the Trudeau administration is doing? God, I hope not.
Most Canadians
do not approve of invoking the Emergency Act. Most I've talked to think they went too far.
That's good to hear. Because it is worse than going too far, in my opinion it is a horrifying precedent.
75% of Canadians think the idiot truckers should go home.
They made their point. Sure they had some public sympathy at the start when it was still a peaceful protest. After they disrupted a major city making thousands of people's lives miserable, then blocked international trade costing billions of dollars, support quickly dwindled.
Once you've gotten the message (or given it), hang up the phone.
This, however is a place you and I will disagree. I do not think there is any evidence that they have been heard. Trudeau has seemed to ignore them entirely. Calling them fringe extremists, white supremacists, confederates (lol?) etc. There has been no dialogue, so there is no reason for the protesters to believe they have been heard.
But ultimately I think it is even more than that. I think ultimately they are standing for more than just repealing mandates. They are there to stand against the tyrannical government that is exemplified by Trudeau's actions. Declaring Martial Law (which is what the Emergency Act is) and planning to seize money without court orders, and shut down protesters forcibly.
So, since we disagree, I will not belabor my point as I have no desire to argue. But here is the ultimate litmus test on whether my opinion is justified, or should be filed under the "shut up and go back to Texas" category.
I believe this is all part of an organized plan that transcends just Canada (or New Zealand). We are seeing a coordinated effort to destroy western democracies and place most of the world under a "New World Order". I know you are old enough (like me) to recognize that lingo. Daddy Bush used to say it a LOT. Well, it's the same plan. But they are calling it different things now. "The Great Reset" for example. Or maybe you might recognize the marketing slogan (which is clearly on the way out):
The term "build back better" was first introduced to UN at the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in July 2005 by former United States President Bill Clinton, the Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery. -from wikipedia somewhere...
They are restricting our movement, our money, our speech, and most of the other rights we Americans like to cite as "inalienable rights".
One last question before I bow and walk backwards out of the room...
How did they know we would have to "build back" from anything?imho, not a conspiracy...just anticipation and/or game theory.
There is (was?) large leverage in the system (if i recall correctly, Lehman was levered at least 30:1, same for others).
The destruction (temporary?) of value becomes inevitable at some point.
Imagine short term interest rates being 8% (as they should with current inflation number at 7.5%).
Quite a few companies would NGMI in this case.