I am Turkish/Muslim born and living in Germany and get called rightist Nazi in the German media for not agreeing with this BS for 2 years now. They used this method for decades to put people who do not obey in the "rightist" corner. Unfortunately Germans believe it once again and they will be one of the last (Asia seems even deeper into this) who wake up to this. I hope the spark of hope we get from Canada will spread throughout the whole world anytime soon, before it is too late. I cant believe people agree to live like this for the next centuries. Because if we do not end this, it will never end.
The problem, very similar around where i live, is that they mix up too much. There is a demonstration against the vaccine mandate, but anti-vaxxers, action refusers, mask refusers, covid-deniers, conspiracy theorists, human rights organisations among others, BUT also known rightists and their affilated organisations (shouting for freedom).
So the media and politics can perfectly use the presence of the latter to condemn the whole demonstration and reframe its theme to something that makes all others also look bad.
WARNING! There are quite a few "Crisis Actors" deployed worldwide, but particularly in US & Canada. Many of them were sent to "riot" areas to "turn up the heat" into violence & property destruction. Many were sent to DC on 1/6 to instigate the breach into the Capital rather than a strategically more effective large crowd protesting peacefully outside on the grounds. And many are now being sent to mingle with the crowds of protestors in Ottawa wearing ridiculous WW2 NAZI uniforms. I first saw this tactic used in the original TEA Party movement, and was personally involved in identifying and ostrasizing a handful of them along with their camera crews on tax day April 15, 2012. They have since gotten more sophisticated and A LOT more funding. It was effectively used in Charlottesville, VA to turn a peaceful protest against destruction of historical statues into an "Alt-Right" White Supremacy movement and in Jan. 6th 2020 to create the "insurrection".
All of the sudden everybody walking in a group of people demonstrating against vaccine mandates is a nazi.
The "mode of war" has to change drastically, or its all lost.
It would also be better not to march against something but for the opposite of something.
"FOR freedom of choice of vaccination" vs. "AGAINST vaccine mandates".
In successful communication, you always bring an alternative to the table and don't really care about the position of your opponent(s).
This is a complete miss in all those anger-based demonstrations.
EDIT: The main reason: Emotions on == astuteness off
This highly funded Globalist Movement is taking on very sophisticated elements that frankly scare the shit out of me, and our own CIA & FBI are involved up to their necks in many of these operations world wide. Be very cautious and always be sure your logic keeps your emotions in check! It's important to understand the PsyOp tactics of Colour Revolution and how it is now being deployed globally to control and instigate the Great Reset. People are being effectively controlled by emotions and you can't really blame them as this is several levels beyond next level psychological warfare tactics. The best we can do is expose the counter productive elements and help people to see they are being manipulated. The division is intentional.
Yes, that seems to be the case in the US, which i was not referring too, but Germany, as mine was a reply to UnDerDog's post referencing german protests.
BUT: Not here, in my country. The original neonazi scene is joining peaceful protesters, as well as radical right groups from Germany, Poland and so on. These are the ones that make MSM being able to shift focus from anti-mandate to pro-nazi on the news.
You always get a lot of these badasses to join if you protest against something, whereas if you protest FOR something, they feel their energy is better suited to "against" protests, and if they don't find one, they organise their own. Then the negative attention is directed only at their group-exclusive, small protests on the sidelines.
The US and forging/staging plots incorporated and carried out by the national terrorist organisations (mainly CIA) is a different story, another magnitude higher.
I think we don't have to point out that people no more consume the MSM, but the MSM consumes the people. This only works on a stupid space rock, btw.