1. stuck in the range we are.
Ok... I see you are stuck in your lack of creativity and ongoingly overly-bearish thinking... but hey.. you do you... and continue to fail/refuse to sufficiently and adequately pee pare ur lil selfie for UPpity as you have done for around the last 8-ish years...making some variation of the same mistake, over and over and over again. No problem.
No skin off of me, even if you are trying to spread your whimpy BTC management ideas to others through this thread.
Not going to shut up bout nuttin. You made the outrageous claims that you were not willing to stand behind.
Regarding your proposed bet size: that's disingenuine as fuck. There is no reason to bet large amounts, and especially since you had been making such outrageous claims, it would not really be to your advantage to bet large amounts, if I were to even go down that path because it will cost you a lot of money to stand behind some kind of claim that you verbally assert to be 1% odds... so I can see why you do not actually stand behind that and you try to divert into some other kinds of odds.. and proclaim yourself as generous when you are not even getting to the point.. in other words, your proposed amounts seem to be distractions and ways for you to weasel out of the bet and blame me. .blah blah blah.
Regarding your bet: It did not even come close to addressing your outrageous claims, and for sure they were not on-point for any claims that I have made - my claims as of December 16 and December 28 are largely reflected in post 4 of my thread.. that I have still not updated. In other words, your claims were at issue, not mine....mine are so reasonable that they are hardly bettable.. #justsaying.
You did not really fix anything, but you did clarify that you are still in outrageous landia and not willing to stand behind your claims. How long are we going to be stuck in this range? For the rest of 2022? Come on.. do it. do it.. do it.
You will make a claim once in a while, and then poof.. disappear, run away like a little girl or just change the topic...
I don't mind hearing your claims about what you believe might happen in bitcoinlandia (prices), even though I get the sense that you are far from making them in good faith... and it is not even very common that my claims are challenged in any kind of strong way.. unless we can find someone with a strong opinion.. and you seem like you might be able to be the one.. but you won't hardly stand behind shit or even try to hone in on some way that we might be able to frame an acceptable bet.. including your ongoing deflections and failure/refusal to take responsibility for your own words...
By the way, the key would not be saying "I told you so" afterwards, but standing behind whatever claim that you are making in a timely manner in order to allow the agreed-to timeframe or the conditions of the bet to play out.. .. whether it would be for the whole calendar year or some other shorter period of time or even upon a certain condition being reached (such as the breach of a price threshold).. so there could be a faming that is based on time, price or even a combination.. and surely a lot of soothsayer wannabes throw out all kinds of claims and then select the "I told you so"s from the parts that ended up coming true.. including the fact that frequently the claims are so damned vague that there are difficulties in pinpointing exactly what had been claimed.. so then later they can come back with "I told you so"s.. and they had not even specifically claimed or stood behind whatever the fuck they might have been implied to have been saying.
I think that you have mentioned some pretty decent potentially bettable items if you would be able to stand behind them.. .One of the claims is that we will stay between $30k and $60k for the whole year or some nonsense like that. Another claim is that we ONLY have a 1% chance of breaching above $200k by the end of the year. Those are both potentially bettable.. .if you were to stand behind them (which over and over you have shown that you will not.. but if either one were to come true, you will proclaim " I told you so" even though you would not deserve such credit because of your failure/refusal to stand behind either of them in a timely way).
There is nothing really outrageous or bettable about my claims.. even though you want to lock me into making my claims in much stronger ways than I am willing to make them... which my claims never had really been made with high levels of odds.. even though there could possibly be ways to frame them in acceptable bettable ways.. but that would be a back and forth process rather than merely you imposing unilateral betting terms and then calling me a coward (and perhaps other names?) for not accepting your unilaterally imposed betting terms.
Another thing is that it's not as if we have found an escrow, anyhow (like Dabs or even anyone else that we might agree upon).. in the even that we might be able to make some progress in coming to bettable terms... and by the way..... don't be devolving into personal attack bullshit, when you are the one who even frames bets in unreasonable ways and present them as take it or leave it when they are not even coming close to getting at the topic as it had been originally brought up.. merely your attempts to slither out of some kind of possible bet while blaming someone else (yours truly in this case).