C'mon Bitcon, you know, do something...
Anyways, where're Saylor's and Bukele's BTFD announcements? Right about time to buy the dip, girls!
Probably blown their wads already on all the previous dips down from 69k.
For sure this can happen, and does happen...... frequently...... to a lot of peeps....
not excluding yours truly from such failures of buying too much too soon.. even though I think that I have gotten a lot better over the years - which is seen in my order spread and also my attempts to maintain down to the 208-week moving average price (currently at $19k) - which is not always completely successful to both maintain down that far and sustain it.The market already knows that we have more than 4 rate hikes coming this year with cessation of all QE.
I'll believe it when I see it.. that is "if" I see it.... but I agree that the market is reacting to such.. so probably does not even matter if it is actually going to happen, just that the market is reacting as if it were going to happen, whether it actually happens or not.
Well, the events described in
this post happened. There was a short/long squeeze on the market and a further drop in prices below significant support levels:
Is there any good reason that the steady rise/recovery of mining difficulty is not visible at all in the latest evolution of the price?
I mean that we're
almost back to all-times-high-difficulty and nobody seem to care. It makes me think that this movement could be a trap, but maybe it's just my hopes talking.
I know that your above-linked website is showing current live difficulty... but in regards to the difficulty adjustments, we have already exceeded all time difficulty adjustments.. yesterday shows that we have reached a new all time high in comparison to May 13, 2021, which was the previous ATH.
See the various historical adjustments:
https://btc.com/stats/diff?_ga=2.166892222.1079250679.1586286038-48233127.1586286038Regarding your overall point about computing power continuing to flock to bitcoin, for sure that is bullish as fuck for actual bitcoin fundamentals, and lots of things are bullish as fuck for bitcoin fundamentals.. that does not mean that short-term price follows long term fundamentals, even though many of us who follow bitcoin long enough know not to get distracted by short-term price movements, unless we are just buying on the dips in order to realize some of the discrepencies in regards to price being lower than it should be.. at least in the longer term there will be greater likelihood that the price will recover from the various ongoing undervaluings.... we also see those kinds of periods of outrageously crazy recoveries that cause the BTC price to go way beyond sustainability.. too.. what else should any of us expect when there is so many attempts to keep the BTC price down lower than it should be and for longer than it should be.. it just gets out of control in the other direction... at some point.. whether we have to wait a few months.. or even if we end up having to wait a year or longer... yeah.. it's not always easy to be a HODLer.. or even to realize how much we should be buying on a regular basis when the current short term trend seems to be NOT up.