Hi guys
I'm feeling better now.
I don't know if it was my arthritis acting up or if I had Omicron I had muscle and joint aches, headache, slept a lot and had nightly sweatings/hot/cold kind of thing. and that's symptoms that fit both. I also had my knee swelling up again so I had to go to the hospital and empty it and get a cortisone shot, that helped and I also got better over all after that. but in time that would coincide with when a covid infection would be over-ish.
I got bad on January first and didn't feel alright until three days ago.
Had no loss of smell though and no cough to speak of, just a little, so I don't know what I had, but I feel good now.
I will probably not bother to read the backlog, is there anything important I have missed?
Nice to read good news from you again, Arrie!
They didn't check for Covid at the hospital? Strange...
Did you try organic sulphur (MSM) combined with Vitamin C and Glucosamine?
It's pretty effective against swelling and pain in light to moderate cases, i also experienced stronger hair growth after taking MSM for a few weeks.
At start, you could get serious bloating and headache, unless you slowly ramp up the MSM dosage from 1/8g to 1g (double the initial dose every third day) and drink a lot of water. I mean 2-4 liters per day, your body will crave for it, believe me
Read it up. It's safe unless you don't go over 2g/day or more. Some do 6g daily for a short while and didn't have any problems.
The backlog: We're in the dip of the dip of the dip. I am mainly reading WO since Christmas, came to posting less because of more private reasons, less free time after all.
No, no checks at the hospital any more, I think they don't take it that seriously any more, they do make you wear a mask inside the hospital though, the only place I have been to that has a mask mandate.
They did tell me when we made small talk that many of their doctors and nurses were in self quarantine at home because of Omicron, a lot of them had had the earlier version of covid and were triple vaccinated.
So it seems omicron is spreading like wildfire to everyone regardless of earlier immunization.
And it looks like the parliament is about to take away the governments temporary right to impose restrictions, they want to prolong it for another four months, but the parliament has let it be known that they will only approve a two month prolonging.
And then I guess it's over, at least in Sweden.
I have tried Glucosamine only, but I can't say it had any noticeable effect. I do have an open prescription for Prednisolon (a cortisone) and I use it to suppress my inflammation if it gets really bad, it works very well but I have to use it sparsely, it is not good for your body in the long run.
FFP2 (N95) Masks worn correctly turned out to be the most effective against Omicron infection. I got quite a fan of carragene nasal sprays, which is an extract from algae, that in turn decreases the viral load and docking capability of sars2 viruses in upper respiraory tract tissues. It's replicating mainly in these tissues, not in the deeper lung tissue, unlike the preceding sars2 variants. So vaccines aren't building up early immune response antibodies and t-cells that are in/on these tissues, that's why the work poorly against infection (put simple).
We have full retard covid politics here at the moment, with vaccination mandates, signing off violation of parts of the EU-GDPR when you get vaccinated, to share all your health data with various national and political institutions,
automatically processed, personal health data, that is.
I currently look at my motherland as a failing state, covid politics wise. I shoudl post an update to the COVID thread, soon.
Glucosamine (and Collagenes) has to be taken for a couple of weeks to start showing effects, when isolated, afair. There are also nutritional co-dependencies (vit C, afair).
Since glucosamine is chemically similar to fructose, i could not take it too long because of the side effects in my particular case. Generally it is quite well tolerated by everybody not having a problem with fructose (and co.)...
Cortisone depletes calcium quite agressively, you should always supplement that along with K2 and Vitamin-D, up to 200% RDA while taking moderate doses of cortisone.
I use it rarely and sparingly, when my bowel gives me hell every few years.
Been thinking a bit, now that European countries are starting to to give up and say "fuck it, Covid is just another flu infection from now on", how are countries like China and New Zealand going to cope with that?
Are they going to stay in self isolation for ever?
They have to accept reality at some point and let the virus in.
Not here. They want to let Omicron in WITH everybody and his dog getting vaccinated on top. They fucked up a few times now already, they fear nothing more than fucking up another time.