BTC trading at 2x since the ath of 2017
Pretty pathetic price performance if you ask me, especially for the long term holders
Good one, YourMother.
Frequently it is pretty clear if members are being serious with their assertions. This is a good one because it is difficult to know how much seriousness to take you in this level of nonsense. Surely, there is some humor to it, so I will give you that.
BTC trading at 2x since the ath of 2017
Pretty pathetic price performance if you ask me, especially for the long term holders
Yes. $40k bitcoin is such a huge disappointment.
Yes. Exactly.
Annoying price of BTC for long term hodlers….
I am not sure whether annoying is really accurate, even though there is likely some frustration in terms of potential expectations that an exponential price rise seemed poised to happen, and then it got snuffed out a couple of times.. yet I would still imagine, that there are some difficulties in being that annoyed by this whole process - especially since the vast majority of us longer term HODLers likely already appreciate that there are no guarantees in then almost no matter what there should be some appreciation that we are still up 4x from September 2020.
Many longer term HODLers are going to have average prices per BTC that are quite below $10k, so just being in decent profits that are multiples of the size of the BTC investment should be a comfortable place to be...
Another aspect would be how much BTC has been accumulated. It does not seem to be enough to merely assert that as a long term HODLer you happen to have more than 4x in profits without putting some kind of a number behind it.
Imagine a few different kinds of HODLers who may have been somewhat persistent with bitcoin and got involved in Bitcoin in around 2017, and I am not even necessarily referring to anything too specific about your situation dude because I do not necessarily even know many of your specifics beyond perhaps throwing some possible variation of you into a hypothetical (#nohomo).
1a) 2017 hypo entrant 1a (decently well off): Engaged in a variety of lump sum investing, DCA and maybe even selling and rebuying.. and has
accumulated 50 plus bitcoin at an average prices below $3k.
1b) 2017 hypo entrant 1b (decently well off): Engaged in a variety of lump sum investing, DCA and maybe even selling and rebuying.. and has
accumulated 50 plus bitcoin at an average prices around $10k.
2a) 2017 hypo entrant 2a (moderately well off): Engaged in a variety of lump sum investing, DCA and maybe even selling and rebuying.. and has
accumulated 21 plus bitcoin at an average prices below $3k.
2b) 2017 hypo entrant 2b (moderately well off): Engaged in a variety of lump sum investing, DCA and maybe even selling and rebuying.. and has
accumulated 21 plus bitcoin at an average prices around $10k.
3a) 2017 hypo entrant 3a (average Joe): Engaged in a variety of lump sum investing, DCA and maybe even selling and rebuying.. and has
accumulated 10-21 bitcoin at an average prices below $3k.
3b) 2017 hypo entrant 3b (average Joe): Engaged in a variety of lump sum investing, DCA and maybe even selling and rebuying.. and has
accumulated 10-21 bitcoin at an average prices around $10k.
4a) 2017 hypo entrant 4a (struggling Joe): Engaged in mostly DCA'ing and attempted some lump sum investing along the way and has
accumulated 3-10 bitcoin at an average prices below $3k.
4b) 2017 hypo entrant 4b (struggling Joe): Engaged in mostly DCA'ing and attempted some lump sum investing along the way and has
accumulated 3-10 bitcoin at an average prices around $10k.
5a) 2017 hypo entrant 5a (Really struggling Joe): Engaged in mostly DCA'ing and attempted some lump sum investing along the way and has
accumulated fewer than 3 bitcoin at an average prices below $3k.
5b) 2017 hypo entrant 5b (Really struggling Joe): Engaged in mostly DCA'ing and attempted some lump sum investing along the way and has
accumulated fewer than 3 bitcoin at an average prices around $10k.
I would characterize all 5(10) above examples as a persistent BTC buyers who had not really deviated from persistence in buying BTC, but has had differing results based on how much means s/he had available.
Probably the ones higher on the list are going to feel more prepared for UP, and maybe even "annoyed" that the BTC price is not going up, but the ones lower on the list might well be relieved to have more BTC accumulating opportunities
Some did sold some at good/reasonable prices compared with now.
But to sit on a load of cash with non intentions not really the best thing imo.
Surely there are questions regarding how anyone might play their selling on the way up.. and if they sell large amounts of their holdings or small amounts, and then surely the questions about when to buy back if that might have been part of the motive for selling.
Though I understand some would like to buy on the cheap, but now price isn’t yet cheap enough to rebuy, maybe if sold at the ATH-ish, other problem is people who haven’t sold any or very low numbers are a bit stuck as well cause if they want something a little more expensive, then it surely isn’t the price to sell atm…
Struggle of a hodlers life ….
Btc to cheap to sell or to high to buy back….
One of the problems of even including any kind of selling practice as a means to accumulate.. Yet I would suspect that the dilema is not as problematic for either those who are DCAing or those who just buy on dips without selling.. and surely buying on dips could be a variation of DCAing because maybe there would not be a building up of funds, unless there are some inclinations to hold backon the regular buying because there are thoughts that the price might go down further. Quite likely the dilema for those who are buying only would be less than those who are screwing around with selling.
I know, I know, I know... I do engage in a practice of selling BTC on the way sure.. label me as a bit of a hypocrite... but I will assert that I have absolutely no dilemma regarding when to buy back, because my method follows a system.. so the amount sold is relatively small.. so then there does not seem to be much of any dilemma regarding when and how to buy back....
My main ongoing personal dilemma seems to come from how far I want to maintain my BTC buy orders, so at some point, I have inclinations to pull some of the value off of the table, but that surely could be problematic if the BTC price were to go way lower than expected. So currently my BTC buy orders go down to $20k, and I am having some feelings that I would like to pull some of those buy orders between $20k and $25k off of the table, and of course, if BTC prices were to actually dip down into the lower $30ks, I would be feeling way more stress in having had pulled those buy orders between $20k and $25k.. than if I were to just leave them there for a wee bit longer.. how long? another 6 months? another year? How will I know, feel comfortable and have confidence to pull those buy orders (and the cash) off the table?