I *WILL* quote myself again that this is a bear trap eventually...
But this channel does not look too happy yet. But obviously if we can retake circa 60k that would be very meaningful here. Again, it is interesting seeing so little retail involvement while Microstrategy announces getting in for another half billion at just under 60.
I feel like we are beginning to push a little past "due to hear about more OTC positions being taken by the bigger players". They are either all playing chicken with each other holding back their announcements, or Microstrategy is shooting the biggest foot cannon in the history of finance.
Since, IMO, it is not the latter we are only left with seeing UP coming soon. We are sitting on the edge of it right now. Will this resolve as a bullflag? Or do we stay in the channel some more?
One other comment.
At these retail price oracles like Stamp and Finex et all we are seeing something OVER and OVER in the midst of a bull market:
On the way up there is little retail volume. But the selloffs DO have greater volume. Look at the chart below. See how the down-barts are accompanied by big red candles, and yet the legs up have like 20% the sized green candles. HOWEVER we are still in a bull market overall, and have been seeing this pattern just about the whole time.
I think there is only one way to interpret this (and it makes me excited). And it harmonizes with what we have been seeing this whole cycle.
Coins are moving from the hands of traders on retail exchanges into the cold storage of people trading somewhere else. Otherwise we would have seen the run from 3k-60k in under 2 years. Volume up on the exchanges when the market moves down, and quiet as it floats up. Yet we are net going up.
I am betting that Microstrategy is enjoying their position as the only big player who can just brag about their intentions since they earned the position to do so by being first.
On the other hand if other large stakes are being taken, and the companies taking the stakes are public. We cannot go forever with them operating in the dark. Eventually they will have to report what they have done, right?
I just cant figure out how we do not see an avalanche of announcements soon. Nothing else makes sense.