Back to the 64xxx again I see, getting really tired of this, really, really, tired.
Paciencia mujer!!!
I am not sure if I need to even explain that bitcoin does not just go up in a straight line - even in a price arena that I had also considered to have been within a kind of no man's land.
From your forum registration date Arriemoller, you have been in bitcoin about around the same amount of time as me. So frequently in recent times, I will tell people that we could use an average cost of bitcoin for me around $1k.. even if I had a variety of opportunities to get bitcoin for under $1k.. but even if we presume that any of us could have fucked up quite a bit, I can both concede that I fucked up and agree to use $1k as my hypothetical cost per BTC when discussing how much my BTC holdings might be in profits or not. Another good thing about $1k is that it does tend to be a good approximation to show how much my BTC holdings might be in profits versus not... so in March 2020, my profits level dipped all the way down to around 4x, and then kind of stabilized around 10x in September 2020 before jumping off to really go up another 6.5x in value to approach 65x before extremely correcting back down to around 29x to 32x for a considerable amount of time, and then now returning to between about 60x to 69x in profits for the past month (almost a month)....
Let's say that you potentially fucked up even worse than me, and your average cost per BTC is around $10k.. and yeah your profits had denigrated from 6.5x down to 2.9x to 3.2x and now they are moving around between 6x and 6.9x for the past almost month... Yeah you seem to be quite anxious.. but we are surely still not in a bad place, even if sometimes it seems to take bitcoin a while to get to higher places, and if both you and I are going on 8 years of being involved and investing into BTC, then maybe we are in 60x to 70x profits or maybe a worser case scenario we are ONLY in 6x to 7x profits, but still does not seem to be a bad place to be - relatively speaking and also compared with other places that we could have invested our value in the past 8 years or so. AmiNOTrite?
Back to the 64xxx again I see, getting really tired of this, really, really, tired.
Day trading is waste of time and money. You become adrenaline junkie and you don't learn anything.
Personally, I proclaim to NOT be a "day trader" even though I have a system that would likely categorize myself more of a swing trader.. and I imagine that you, becoin, would categorize any kind of trading as a kind of "adrenaline junkie" at least in terms of wanting to watch the short term BTC price moves.
Actually, as I type this post, I consider myself to have set up a system in which I don't really care about short term BTC price moves, but for some reason I still like to see if my buy/sell orders are filling or not... and currently there is a pretty decent spread between the next sell orders (at around $69,500) and the next buy orders (at around $61,500)... so there is more anxiety when the BTC price gets close to either of those amounts and a bit less anxiety when the BTC price is just floating in the middle and not really getting too close to filling in either direction.
Here is one more image i made out in my free time :
Is the time axis going right to left on this? That's going to get misunderstood a lot.
Actually made that intentionally to tease all those who prints different charts or time axis to claim btc is dead or will not be able to stay above these levels.So just want to tell them anyway you could see bitcoin it will have surge in with time span even if you take a reverse step back the target will be reached.
I agree with Richy_T on this one.. your presentation is very muddled, confusing and does not
vale la pena.... but whatever, you do you.