Picked up a pulse oximeter when this whole COVID-19 shebang started.
O2 levels are at 95% and heart rate is pretty steady at 70 bpm. Usually run close to 59-62 bpm when healthy. No fever right now - totally normal. But burned up to 101.x last night before heading back down.
Not anticipating any issues fighting this off, based on how I'm feeling presently. I have to think the first day of infection is the worst, provided you don't come down with secondary infections. The 24 hour Advil I took is starting to wear off, so starting to feel a bit cruddy again. Body aches and chills slowly starting to return.
I'm actually a little bit upset the fucking horse paste is taking so goddamn long to arrive...
Bob: Please take care and do not hesitate to go to hospital if necessary. Had a friend who ran a horse farm, nice woman stubborn, loaded hay bales, etc. Got sick, better, sick, better, sick went to hospital called me with "This is not the Flu", better, was going to be discharged, died.
Still upset about this. Use care, it goes away then comes back and hits hard. Weird shit. Use all resources to stay alive.
Read this: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(21)00160-0/fulltext#%20
Certain asthma sprays effectively help fighting covid19, especially when administered at an early stage.
I'd try to get some of this stuff, ASAP.
EDIT: In the hospital they will give you oxygen, which is only addressing the symptom of low blood oxygen. The root cause for the symptom is the inflamed lung tissue, which has to be fought in the first place. If it's too much, only a combination of antibodies and ventilation, which needs anesthesia, what in turn puts a lot of stress on your system. The point is: Do something that effectively helps fighting it and do it EARLY.
A friend of my wife got Alpha, fever and short breath returned two times, then it was over. No post-symptoms, but she said it felt like someone was sitting on her chest.
Greed, my friend, is what is driving the shitcoin (and NFT) market.
I don't care. Institutions and companies are investing massively in Bitcoin, the more announcements they make within the next weeks, the more shitcoin volume will be pulled over to king daddy. Big money will come from deep pockets this time, retail will jump in right before the blow-off top, but i think the next bearcycle bottom will be higher than it used to be. S-curve onset time, imo.