Never out of this feeling. It's excruciating.
My god that is so true. It's never hesitate for me though, always simple laziness. I only do my bitcoin purchases at the end of the day when work is finished, children are in bed, house work done, all that crap. Then I'm usually like "bugger it I'm too tired to log into exchanges send money etc, price is going sideways or its down a bit anyway, It'll still be the same tomorrow so I can afford to be lazy." I have missed out on so many good buys with this attitude. I do the same thing for heaps of other crap too, but those things don't usually lose my profit.
It has never really been my problem to feel that I did not adequately prepare for UP.. sure, when the BTC price goes up, many of us are going to contemplate that "I should have bought more;" and I am no exception to those kinds of feelings - however, if you have always been a bit aggressive in your BTC accumulation strategy (which I kind of put myself into that camp), then you should be able to minimize the mindset that you have failed/refused to adequately and sufficiently prepare for UP.
An example from my own situation might be helpful here.
For me, I considered that I was in my fairly aggressive BTC accumulation phase for pretty much during the whole of 2014, and yeah, maybe because the BTC price was going down for the whole year there might have been a bit of a strange kind of an example, even though there would not have been certainty (at least I did not feel it) that the BTC price was going to go down the whole year and also to stay down for another year after that.
In any event, I did not get discouraged by the BTC price going down for the whole of 2014, and I did not decide to wait for the whole year for the BTC price to go down, just in case the BTC price might go down.. blah blah blah, because I had already made my assessment that I wanted to get some BTC into my investment portfolio.
During pretty much the whole of 2014, and really starting in late 2013, I had established a weekly budget for how many dollars I would spend each week to get BTC for that week, and I tried to make sure that I spent my whole budget for each of the weeks by the end of the week, and sure sometimes I spent my budget early in the week, and sometimes I still had money left towards the end of the week, so I would just use that up before going into the next week.. or maybe (since I could do whatever the fuck I wanted), I would authorize myself to carry whatever authorized money was left in a week over into the next week to spend that authorized money soon into the next week.
In other words, I am saying that I spent my weekly allowance every week, and there were only once in a while occurrences that my allowance would get carried into the following week.
For some reason, after I met my BTC accumulation target towards the end of 2014, for some reason I still felt that I needed more BTC.. even though I had reached some level of satisfaction that my budget was not really urgent in terms of making sure that I met my BTC accumulation goal because I felt that I had met it, so yeah, because of my continued feeling that "maybe it would not hurt to have a bit more BTC, even though I have enough", through 2015 and 2016 I continued to accumulate BTC to a state of largely being over allocated, and so if you get to a state of being quite a bit over allocated, you should no longer feel inadequately prepared for UP after that time....
so, maybe the $100k question is at what point do you feel adequately allocated and at what point do you feel over allocated, and of course, those financial/psychological points are going to vary from person to person and from situation to situation..
I could appreciate a person who might just be starting in investing into BTC and that person having cashflow issues, and it could take several years for some younger investors to get to a point of feeling over-allocated - especially, if his/her cashflow is fairly tight.
Another thing could have been that mistakes were made and that there was too much waiting around, and surely that is another case in point historical argument for the historical validity of DCA buying and also to provide some kind of guidance regarding how maybe even if "mistakes" were made in the past, that there is no real evidence to show that currently getting into a relatively aggressive DCA strategy might not pay off... So yeah, maybe now, there might be a need to double the dollar amount invested to something like $140 per week rather than $70 per week, because even a relatively less aggressive strategy of allocating something like $70 weekly (which would average out to $10 per day) would have paid off quite stupendously for someone that has been in BTC as long as you somac.. looking at your January 2014 forum registration date.
So even
a historical $70 per week that went back to January 2014 would have gotten normies close to entry-level fuck you status based on spot price (currently close to $50k)... which would be the current accumulation of about 31.5 BTC, even though I would still argue that it is much safer to use either the 104-week moving average of $22,500 or the 208-week moving average of $14k, and of course, using those more conservative BTC valuations would thereby require either close to 90 BTC or 143 BTC respectively..., and even with the BTC spot price being well over 2x to 3x higher than those more conservative numbers does suggest that those more conservative numbers are continuing to rise at a pretty decently strong pace.. which should bring some confidence that 1-2 years into the future that those BTC accumulation levels would come down quite a bit, even for entering fuck you status... or surely some lower level if you might not be aspiring to completely reach entry-level fuck you status.
Never out of this feeling. It's excruciating.
My god that is so true. It's never hesitate for me though, always simple laziness. I only do my bitcoin purchases at the end of the day when work is finished, children are in bed, house work done, all that crap. Then I'm usually like "bugger it I'm too tired to log into exchanges send money etc, price is going sideways or its down a bit anyway, It'll still be the same tomorrow so I can afford to be lazy." I have missed out on so many good buys with this attitude. I do the same thing for heaps of other crap too, but those things don't usually lose my profit.
You know the old saying right?
Procrastination is very much like Masterbation,
It seems like a good idea at the time, but...
In the end, You're just Fucking yourself.
I am not really against masterbation, but I agree with the overall point, especially in bitcoin, guys (and gal) need to act in some kind of way.. even if it is relatively minor and modest to get started.. so setting up some kind of a bitcoin related account would be bare minimum... but setting up such account might not do much good if no buying is taking place, so there will be a preference to go to the next step and even having very small levels of DCA is a decent start, even if such inclined prograstinator had failed refused to be aggressive in his/her DCA, at least there ends up being some stake in the game, and s/he only has ur lil selfie to blame if s/he was too whimpy in terms of the level of aggressiveness.