With corona vaccine no matter which company is producing it as long as they are tested and approved one should be taking it. You may get the virus and feel sick even after taking the vaccine but the risk of losing your life become very low if you take the vaccine.
Grouping and calling it a 'vaccine' like its the same tech we've been issuing for decades is dangerously misleading. Even Moderna didn't call it a vaccine and labeled it as gene therapy until 2019.
Animal trials were skipped and human trials conclude in 2023, perhaps a revisit of the "tested and approved" argument then?
Forgive me for my scepticism, like many others, I'll be part of the non vaccinated control group for this great experiment while encouraging critical thinking.
I don't claim to 'know' any more than the next on how this turns out in the long run but this fact remains:
Accepting this injection into your body requires TRUST in big pharma, the WHO, CDC, bio companies with poor or no track records and your local gov.
Years of serfdom and Bitcoin continue to teach a thing or 2 about trust.
Yes and when covid 23 comes out killing all those without this vaccine your safe move looks bad.
Not saying that is a plan. But if you are a villain looking to Knock off a lot of people you would prefer to knock off clever freedom fighters like yourself and keep the sheeple a round since they already follow orders.
To me this is the best reason to get this vaccine.
Of course I could be completely wrong and your move is the smart move.
Getting an injection for a variant not yet discovered sounds ridiculous to me but I will accept my shame of misguidance should that hypothetical situation occur. Then the reverse hypothetical is also valid: The immune systems of those who are injected will release a cytokine storm upon exposure to the live virus which will kill them.
If I were a villain trying to knock off a big swaths of population I'd target the old and unproductive first while sterilizing the young and able-bodied to ensure it's success. Targeting freedom fighters is an inferior whack-a-mole job.
Seeing as most 'old people' have pre-existing co-morbidities, fear will be the easiest tool in guiding them to the safety of 'vaccines' while the youthful and ignorant follow out of compliance, social pressures and mandates.
I know you're doing only what you have determined best for yourself and family, like myself and that's commendable by any standard. Let's hope neither of these scenarios come to pass and we can get back to focusing on the real source of the pain, USD lies.
Getting a partial coverage (from current vaccines) for future variants is a much more solid idea than hypothetical cytokine storm ramblings.