My dream is to be alive when BTC reaches 1 Million $.
I hope i will make it
Very best case scenario would be towards the end of this year or 1st or 2nd quarter of 2022. You think that you will be alive then?
Medium case scenario would be something like 2024 to 2026. You think that you will be alive then?
Quite conservative scenario would be 2028 to 2030. You think that you will be alive then?
somewhat pessimistic scenario would be 2032 to 2034.. maybe not exactly guaranteed.. but geez.. seems that if $1million was not already reached in one of the earlier three time periods (and before 2032), then something is off about how the BTC price dynamics are playing out.. but anyhow... You think that you will be alive this 2032 to 2034 time frame?
I don't even want to project beyond 2034, in case BTC has not reached a $million by 2034.. then something may well be quite wrong with bitcoin, including maybe that something is wrong if BTC has not reached a $million by 2030.
Oh my bad, #nohomo @ JJG
But men do hug, don't they?
Yes, "we" do.
Is this another move to touch $60k?
EDIT: pops up the 90btc wall on stamp at $60k with low volume pump...
Resistance is futile, it’s only a matter of time.
From where did you get those wall images, LFC?
It looks like the old Bitstamp wall images before they revised to a "newer" tradeview look (which is less preferable to me for looking at).
I know some wont like the sound of this, but as long as stocks continue to rise, so will Bitcoin.
You are correct.. that some will not like the sound of it... because it is NOT correct.
Maybe if you zoomed out a wee bit, you might be able to appreciate the non-correlation a wee bit better. Perhaps? Though, on the other hand, maybe you don't really want to understand what the fuck happens to be going on in bitcoinlandia, and that's why you have been propagating nonsense here.