I agree with you on the point that none of us should trust that self-centered narcissistic dweeb known as Trump, even though so many folks seems to consider him to be genuine, merely because he says a lot of things that others might not say, including shit-stirring and personal attacks and bullying (ganster/mobster) kinds of behaviors... but hey whatever, folks want to believe a liar who happens to also be a convicted criminal (felon), then whatever, there is ONLY so much that can be done to save folks from their own perceptions in regards to whether or the extent to which a person might be worthy of trust...
Some of the excuses is that he is not really a convicted felon because everyone is out to get him.. .. another bunch of bullshit and spin, even if there might be some truth to the matter that he is not very liked. and he is quite a bit of a jerk.. How could someone be hired to represent the people and to figure out some kind of responsible application of government if he is unable to consider anyone but himself? Oh? I forgot, if you consider government to be bad, then you might want someone who says that he is trying to reduce government.. perhaps he might be able to do that? I am not sure, it might be a coincidence that he is actually (or would be) reducing government in ways that happen to actually be better for the people rather than just good for his trying to stay out of jail.
The last person I want publicly endorsing bitcoin is convicted felon Donald Fucking Trump.
So this cognitively declining, lying piece of shit
Gee, I wonder why?
"blah blah bitcoin blah blah blah I like crypto blah blah blah"...
...And bitcoin dumps. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Damn!... I'm becoming such a grumpy pants in my old age. These things happen unfortunately. My bad.
So how about I post another tasteless joke or a terrible reference track? I need validation. lol
....ok maybe not....