I sold most on the 2017 run-up and didn't want to mention that during the winter while people were suffering because I'm not that kind of person.
Do I wish I had that now?
Yes but do I feel stupid for doing it?
Hahahahaha fair enough.. .. and how gentlemanly of you not to be rubbing in your smartie pants during the sufferenings of many of us mostly HODLers.
As many peeps who follow this thread likely realize, I have always been a bit too chicken shit to sell large portions of my BTC stash, ever since I got into BTC, even in the 2017 run up and the 2018 correction and various times in-between and even before 2017.
I must be dumb.
Only dumb if you suffered because of that decision otherwise smart.
I actually don't feel as reluctant to sell large portions now, but I just don't know where I would put it, so I suppose, I just remain stuck on the default of ongoingly HODLing and riding the waves... unless something attractive comes along, I suppose.
There is no other place that is safer to hold your wealth so your way ahead of the game.
Anywhooooo.. ... so when did you buy back your BTC.. assuming that you did.. was it incrementally and at various points or did you do a small number of lump buys? Another part that had always scared me, too is to sell significant portions of BTC (in theory) and then figure out at what points to buy back in... so hypothetically, if I were selling, then I would get nervous and end up buying back with hardly any profits... So not really sure about how to resolve that angle, except the system that I already established for myself, which seems to conform with my comfort levels regarding allocation and largely just staying in BTC.
Well I've already given up more opsec than I tend to but nuff to say I have not sold anything since then and have been adding where I can as this is the safest place to store your life savings.