Yesterday, a neighbour asked me if I know anything about "cryptocurrencies". A couple of years ago I would jump at the opportunity to explain to him all about it, teach him how to set up a wallet, open a Kraken account, etc. Now, I just replied "I've been reading about it, seems to be a thing. Don't know much more than that though, sorry..."
Can't be bothered anymore. It's the same old story, the more others know about you and what you can do, the more work and trouble will fall on you, because, in the end, it comes down to human nature. Everyone's looking for a free lunch, a pill the can swallow and suddenly solve their lives' problems. Well, I say "fuck you, get on your bike and work for it."
Wow I thought I’m alone in this... trust me I used to sit down with pen and paper to explain this to my seniors and peers. And most of the time it would end like “oh that’s a big bubble”...or “I didn’t get it, prove to me how Bitcoin is worth $6,000”.... “there are only 21 million bitcoins, that’s not how money works”.... and most of the time usually will stop here when they will hear “yes uncle, you need internet all the time”.
I just keep everything to myself or put it here on WO
Yup, I've definitely stopped tying to explain btc to anyone these days. It's not as if there isn't enough info on the interweb now for anbody with sufficient motivation to go and find out for themselves.
I introduced several friends to bitcoin in 2013. One invested almost immediately and hodled for a few years, cashing out most of their stash near the 2017 top. They made a tidy sum but their stash is now very small and they've largely missed out on this run. Another friend left it far too late to buy in, and did so near the 2017 top and also bought a load of shitcoins because they "couldn't afford bitcoin".
They then panic sold everything during the following bear market and made a huge loss. The other day I was disheartened to hear that the same person is now buying shitcoins again. They did at least admit that they should have listened to me properly in 2013.
So I feel like I was half successful with the first friend and completely unsuccessful with the second friend, even though the info I explained to them was identical. So my conclusion was that some people are just not ready for this and I can spend my time in better ways.
As the old saying goes, "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."
Unfortunately, some people who know I have bitcoin seem not to care for my opsec and will happily discuss the fact that I hold btc with anyone they feel like. Which is annoying, since I don't go around talking about anyone else's finances. So I am wondering how to address this issue. It didn't seem to matter many years ago that I had told a few of my friends about my btc holdings but now, at these prices, it's something I wish I hadn't done.
Anyone else in the same boat?