It has alot to do with health, most people living in pain for long enough are more than ready to die.
Chronic pain is surely a big issue but health is not necessarily directly correlated with that. I think my larger point stands.
You are speaking like a person who has never experienced a certain level of chronic illness, poverty and ongoing suffering and struggles and ongoing deterioration over years and years and years - loss of energy might also be a kind of pain.. .. consider foggy thinking that comes with some of the conditions of screwed up systems, as well. It's not like everything is working, you are banging 10s and you just have pain.. . .you might not even be able to bang a 5
(meaning 5 fingers)..
and that could be the easy stuff.. in terms of the basics, eating, eliminating, sleeping, exercise (is that even possible?).. coordinating how to eat.. and what kinds of foods can be eaten? steaks ? More likely chips and cravings for icecream (and not even the good quality icecream), which is not going to help energy levels to actually eat those substances that are imitating their lil selfies as if they were actually food.....
Might not even be able to hang out on the forum - thinking too foggy, can't concentrate... and trying to figure out logistics related to "the basics".. oh and did I mention needing to clean up the living space or self (that's not really necessary, is it?) and how to pay for these things, no one really wants to help.. and surely getting a payment from someone might not even be doable because mostly there are just collectors, including the landlord who does not seem to want you either.. and how to get the food-like substances from where ever the closest mart might be to the place that you happen to be living, until the sheriff knocks.
Have my last sMerit for this statement, Jay.
You might know, i have been there already too. I had something like "Long Covid", just that it was "Long some-other-viral-infection". Actually, i still suffer consequences after 10 years.
I quite look down on people downplaying chronic health conditions, like many looked down on me for "just being too lazy to work".
And for chronic pain, most people suffering from it get their health slowly wrecked by painkillers and/or opiates/opioids slowly.
I was lucky, because i found a remedy, quite by surprise. I experience fatigue and pain levels about 10-20% from what i used to, only my memory is lacking to get better accordingly, but i sense minor improvement in these areas as well. For the good, what i take in is not harmful to the body, for the bad, it seems to work only as long as i take it. Three to four days off it and muscle pain, fatigue, malaise and headache start creeping in again.