We started with regular cars, then lambos, now ranches and lakes...soon whole building blocks and/or villages, then islands, maybe asteroids, planets, stars, etc
For me, Bitcoin has "bought" me the most important thing in the universe: time, and the peace of mind that I can survive and do anything I ever wanted to do, without having to work for it. My life is already full, no need for Lambos or lakes. I own two wonderful houses, one in the city, another in the countryside, right next to a beautiful beach. My car is 6 years old and in pristine condition. Frankly, sometimes I'm trying to think of what to buy, but I'm out of ideas...
tl;dr: The most important thing that Bitcoin can buy, is TIME! The time one needs to do the things that really matter (and these are almost never material, although most people have been conditioned/brainwashed to think they are).
Thank you, Bitcoin!