For what it's worth, I've had a soft spot in my heart for AA and similar groups for years now. I have seen the great help it brings to many (a minority, but no one keeps track), been there and done that.
And such groups don't mind some humor about them, no problem at all. Fact is, most members have a great sense of humor as well as gratitude as well because they are on a better path. They also have a surprising amount of human compassion, often much more than they had "before". They don't take taxpayer money either, commendable.
In a way... the AA comparison was more relateable... Telling these motherf^ckers they are in a cult, that they started a religion and its not only holding hands and pats on the back when prices crash.... and they are like a step away from building their own f^cking
Citadel with their f-ing
BTCiTcoin money.
I have no beef with support groups. As long as people get in check with reality and stop being territorial with 'funny internet electronic money' and start to thinking of
BTCiTcoin as a limited ideological asset and while it gets denatured, degraded, saturated and infested with 'normies' that came to the table 5 years too late just because they invested some of their middle class monthly slave wage and are able to hold their ground now at the table.
The newcomers will be just followers. You guys need your own group with more detached and relaxed perspectives. You are already like 500-600x over the Moon. The drama of some will keep you 'attention whore hungry' mode and you will forget that your own thoughts, ideology and curiosity brought you here. And not the sens of belonging that came along with the 'knowing' made you what you are today.
Get a grip and snap out of this 'cult' mentality that keeps roaming around, and living in a fairytale land where ppl get defensive about reality. A reality of knowing you will be up only 480x or 580x instead of 500x or 600x from your initial investment. Y'all cult members be crazy. Wake up to your former selves that guide you into the inspiration of the ideology of
BTCiTcoin and find the next "Bitcoin" in your own ideological self striving for curiosity.
*edit(): I'm going to sleep, f^ck y'all "Climate Change" deniers.