Calling him dangerously insane because he argues for synthetic beef isn't a great starter. Producing beef is incredibly wasteful, not to mention you have to butcher an animal.
I'm a proud carnivore, yet I would gladly switch to synthetic meat when it is similar in taste and cost. There's simply no reason not to.
After what I have read on the subject so far, it seams that synthetic meat lacks a lot of the nutrients that natural meat has.
Cows and what not, eat natural food and get all the nutrients in that food, synthetic food is just cells grown in a dish (or similar) with only the basics for cell survival.
I wish it would be as good as real meat, it would help stop the maltreatment of animals that takes place in many countries.
Until then I will just have to try to chose meat from good farms.
Ok, i start straight away and hope i don't lose track.
I'm a Vegetarian. Don't judge it yet. Why?
I (thought) i always liked meat. I had pretty much of it, in it's more ugly and more delicious forms.
But then, my wife made a hypnosis cert. When she was learning it, we did some practice sessions, which you need to get the certification.
One of these sessions ran under the topic "I'd like to be more proud of my values, to act more faithfully towards them".
Turned out that the first animal i killed as consciously, as a kid, a toad, raised an unknown level of shame and guilt in me.
I remembered that months after the actual hypnosis session but i
knew it was related.
After the session i couldn't eat meat any more. I could well taste and chew it, but i couldn't swallow it. I had to spit out.
I also saw pictures of the living animals in my mind when i tried to. Fine. In the end i didn't care. I am also forgetful, as most of WO might know, so i always tend to forget that i am a Veggie, bite into a sausage, but then i realize
So i had plenty of occasions to discover the dynamics behind my new unwanted "lifestyle". But i also forget about many problems i have, and this one was just in line with others i encounter over time. This way my mind brought up that event from my childhood, when i killed that fat toad, by putting it in a jar and throwing stones at it, so it bleeded to death by the cuts. I didn't think about the outcome, but when the obvious happened, it struck me. There was a second kid, he was amused. I wasn't.
This event made me really take care to not ever hurt or kill an animal.
Decades later, i thought it is an idea to raise chicken and slaughter them. Said and done. But i the meat tasted horrible, while everyone else said it was tasting really good. So as long as the animal is hidden by the product (in form of ready cut meat and meat products), i had no problem eating and enjoying meat.
I also don't care if everybody else enjoys meat. I don't see the "lambie killer" (
sorry Lambie Slayer) in a person that likes to eat meat or slaughters animals.
When i go fishing, one of my kids has to kill the fish, but i still prepare (and sometimes) cook the filets without a bad feeling. As a side effect, i learned to honor animals as the source of one of our most important foods.
Which takes me to the point, after writing 15-20 minutes on it, that animals and their meat should be treated and eaten respectful. I even would recommend everybody to slaughter an animal to finally eat its meat, before judging over vegetarians. I never judged them.
Sure, we know there's many of them that are veggies to put themselves unconsciously above
ordinary meat-eating people (lambie killers and all), but it is exactly the motivation that is to be judged, not the lifestyle as such.
EDIT: Producing and eating "artificial meat" would be just the same as tofu. Even vegetarians should have not much of a problem to eat it. What bugs me the most about it is that it's not a 100% substitute (nutritional aspects, mainly) and it's also fucking disrespectful to nature (which isn't exactly unusual in most of our cultures).
That sounds like a bunch of bullshit, OOM..
I am not suggesting that you are not saying the truth, but get the fuck over the psychological aspects of being bothered by eating meat and killing animals.
I am not even suggesting that vegetarians might not have good intentions in terms of having sympathies for animals, but if you are actually considering your health, you would probably be much healthier if you make sure to include decent amounts of meat in your diet on a daily basis would be good.. include eggs if you like.
So yeah, if you have memory issues, you better start fucking eating some meat because b12 deficiencies are a real thing and difficult to reverse from my understanding.
Anyhow, sorry to come out so harsh, but I think people should not be mixing up their good feelings towards animals blah blah blah as compared with what is actually healthy for themselves to make sure that they have some of it (talking about meat and meat fat) in their diets.
I still love you, OOM, even though you have fucked up ideas in regard to diets..
#nohomoWell, that is just uhm... your opinion, man
I value the fact that you wrote "sounds like a bunch of BS" instead of "is a bunch of ...", which i can comprehend IF you didn't misread my post.
To emphasize the key points: I loved eating meat, also for its nutritional value. I also take a supporting amount (60% RDA) of B12, along with other B-vitamins daily, as i work out almost daily to compete back and neck pain from many years of sitting in front of a screen at work. I always consume a lot of dairy, at the moment i'm even chewing on a chunk of cheese (#nohomo). I have chicken, and eggs are also a foundation of my food plan.
It's clearly a psychological thing, triggered by intentional hypnosis, as a side effect though. It never was a point that i didn't WANT to eat meat. The deeper source of this transformation of mindset is the fact that i honestly hate to hurt or mistreat animals. The goal was not to live against my "true values", which ALSO reflected in my new veggie being. I don't even promote veggie lifestyle, but personally, i don't suffer in any way from it. It's just that eating meat got somewhat unimportant, and if i happen to eat some hidden meat, say a crumb of ham on a pizza, i won't become a drama queen about that
Hypnosis is so powerful in that regard, i clearly underestimated it as well before i tried.
You should probably try it too, without intentional aspects, just for the experience of that mind-centering feeling of "floating" (or "flowing"? or both... hard to describe).
It leaves you somewhat "anchored" or "grounded" (for lack of better terms) for some weeks after, which is a fucking awesome experience by itself.
So no worries, everyone in the family loves the meat and i don't care. No offensive feelings in any way there.
As i said, for one time in a life, kill and prepare the animals you eat yourself, if you have the ability to do so (i have a farming neighborhood).
It will change your way of looking at meat, although it will not make you a veggie, probably, and even if, you wouldn't feel too bad about it.
Please, eat meat, drink blood etc. but maybe, sometimes, imagine that it would come from (formerly) living beings, which look into your eyes before you kill and dissect them, take care of their remainings and wash off their blood of your skin.
love out to you as well