Today is a big day for me. Thanks to BTC, and partially to you all here, I am debt-free today. I quit my job, and I paid off ten years of debt, now I own my house and a few acres in the clear.
My wife and I live fairly simply. Old paid-for cars (that I can fix), no cable TeeVee. A large garden and a small shooting range in the back yard.
I quit smoking cigarettes, and DCA that amount into BTC. Doing this payoff burned a big chunk of the corn, but it is a better thing to do for myself, now. We won't be wealthy, but this is the American dream for me. YMMV.
Good to hear, brother. Congrats on meeting and possibly exceeding your target (you still have some BTC I presume). Regardless, you've met your target, and while your target may seem too mundane/plain/simple for many, I'd say that this is a target worth having. Setting the right target for one's life is a very difficult thing. For me, having an overly extravagant lifestyle, Lambos, hookers, blow and all that, seems so futile and pointless... Maybe the "hookers" part is OK sometimes.
Of course, to each their own.
Another important point in your post is being debt-free. This is the most important for me. IMHO, owing anything to banks/people/whoever is the single most stressful thing in life. I've never owed anyone anything. My planning has kept it that way. It's good that you've reached this state.
All the very best man, enjoy!
Sure, getting rid of debts would be a decent thing to do - or at least to have them in a kind of managing timeline in which you are not necessarily feeling burdened by them or the paying off of whatever remains with them.
Sometimes, with certain kinds of debts, it can be a good thing to "work" those debts in a kind of manageable way that enhances your cashflow.
Another part that surely needs to be considered is the extent to which both your living within your means is sustainable in terms of accounting for some of the increases in costs that are likely to come in the coming years and also trying to anticipate a variety of expenses that also might mean keeping an ongoing emergency fund or money that is kept or stashed away in an emergency fund for the emergency(ies) that are likely to be inevitable, even if you might not know their exact nature at the time of maintaining such a system.
Ever since I got into bitcoin, I have maintained a kind of fund that I take from my regular cashflow that is allocated towards investing in BTC, however if cashflow is short in any particular month, that money does not end up going into BTC, it is either used for the extra expenses or rolled over into the next month for a bit of extra reserves. So, depending on how erratic are your expenses, would depend on how BIG of a cushion you would like to maintain.
For example, when I was young and had hardly any expenses, I frequently would have a $300 to $500 cushion of cashflow on a monthly basis, but as I developed greater complications including keeping a business afloat that had some erratic cashflows, my monthly extra cashflow cushion had to go up to $2k, and sure I have had times of floating this extra monthly cashflow around, and even during times of travel, the $2k cushion seems to work out much better than anything sub $1k - even though ongoingly I end up having an extra $1k in dollars every month that is NOT really working for me except creating piece of mind that I have that extra cushion there.
I guess that I am just saying, in respect to nanobtc, that he seems to be feeling a certain level of tightness in his budget but at the same time some optimism that his budget is going to be sufficient, and those kinds of considerations are surely ones that he has thought through including an appearance that he has discussed those with his wife, too. So, surely no one really wants to have to go back to work and earn some extra money if they do not have to, but surely some people will consider that earning some extra money is not necessarily out of their grasp in the coming years, either, that is if they feel they have to and they might even feel some amount of liberty that they can choose which work that they would like to do on such a part time basis rather than being stuck in a full time JOB.