How about don't sell at all. At these price levels, there are ways to make an income of 10s of thousands USD a month on your exsisting stash without selling. This applies to stashes under 10 BTC too. Life is good at these levels.
That shock from the 2017/18 bull run dump still sits very deep. Even though the 2013/14 dump was bad as well, 2017/18 was a real shock. Taking profits in case of a surprising dump is not bad. I know we will pass 100k. But I believe we will see a bigger dump before we pass 60k. If 2013 cycle repeats the real run will be in the end of the year. And between March until end of summer it could be bearish. At the end, we are all just speculating. Some are good at it and some not.
Edit: I am also curious about that income you talking about.
I honestly understand, especially if you need money to buy a home or other need. My point really is that you shouldn't sell to buy a lambo or any stupid shit like that.
How about elaborating on that a little more, somac.? ELI5...
Ways to make an income from your current stash:
1. Lend your coins. etc
2. Sell BTC futures
3. Sell BTC covered calls
Take your pick on which works best. And yes for some of those things you may have to deliver but, you are in it for the income, just buy the BTC back, even if it is at a higher a price, rinse and repeat.
Hint: covered calls are a great way to sell you BTC, rather than the traditional sell at certain price point on normal exchange.
ELI5 point missed...