... Random rant and insults...
So fuck off and don't read my post.
Whine about non-existent BTC dumps (or shill altcoins) and get the JJG Slap.
This is the WO way
Yeah... I know after 12h it's easy to say, there was nothing... After rebounce and the info that there was a long squeeze it's easy to rant and insult like a 10 year aggro kid. Clap clap clap... How awesome.
Maybe he can also tell me the lottery numbers from last week. As I recall, I was largely criticizing the ascribed purported certainties to your various nonsense. I was not making my own predictions. I don't tend to make my own predictions much beyond 50/50 (give or take 5%), but I do like to criticize folks who seem to want to ascribe too much certainties to various proclamations that they are making.. especially when they make them ongoingly, goofily and emotionally as you seem to continue to want to do..
Let him have some fun bro.
Why? You are making no sense philip.
Mean while we are touching new ATH. 50k is soooooo close.
Sure.. nothing wrong with that.
My gut tells me that 50 will be breached and going to 60k will be really rapid.
Hm..? you are not the ONLY one who has made such assertions.
As for taking some off the table I was able to do it I can now hodl the btc.
Yes.. we know that miners have to take BTC off the table on a more regular basis than non-miners who likely devise differing systems in terms of both how much and how frequently to take profits off the table. There is going to be a lot of variation here.. of course, and maybe some folks will end up waiting too long, so it is difficult to attempt to apply any one set of suggestions to anyone even though various systems can be developed and suggested and WO members can figure out their own system while considering what others do at the same time.
So, sure, there could be some value in taking a bit "extra" out of BTC at some point in order to account for "what if the going to zero actually happens," event. I might have to reflect on this a bit more - under the current BTC price location - to consider if I have adequately prepared for this, both psychologically and financially. I believe that I had prepared for such scenario earlier, in the sense that I had considered that I had no real problem, either psychologically or financially if BTC were to go to zero.. but NOW, the BTC price is like 5x higher than my latest times in really seriously thinking about the matter.
Indeed. My point is not so much that there is a "right" way to do things, more that in the face of a future we can't know, there may be several options that are not really wrong. Though there are surely more than a few that are (as Mr Antonopoulos well demonstrated).
Through my time in bitcoin, I had already largely accounted for BTC going to zero, which I had always considered to be fairly low probabilities, and surely it would be one of the worst scenarios, but I have systems in place that surely prepare me for major drops that fall short of "going to zero."
Only thing is that your post reminded me that I have not reconsidered whether there might be some beneficial ways to further account for this "going to zero" scenario, one of the ones that I have not completely accounted for.. .. and sure, I am going to reconsider the matter, and likely I am not going to do anything rash, but there are probably some ways that I could make some minor changes in my current situation that will hardly at all affect me, but thereafter buttress me a bit more for the seemingly very unlikely going to zero scenario.. And many people recall that I have always suggested that prudent folks should not be deviating too much from the amount of preparation that they make for scenarios in terms of the likelihood that they will happen, so for sure I consider going to zero scenarios to be much smaller than 1% (surely you, Richy_T might well assign higher values to such going to zero scenarios), but anyhow, whatever tweak that I make is going to likely be in a smaller than 1% tweak because of the way that I perceive the scenario and I am also not necessarily in a rush to accomplish it, but your post still has inspired me to consider and to devise a plan to deal with this area that has been somewhat lacking in my "total" btc preparedness historically, because my total preparedness previously had considered merely just riding the whole thing down to zero if that is where it is going to go, but since I am feeling so excessively over-allocated in bitcoin, there are likely ways that are going to hardly affect me at all in terms of preparing for zero.
Regarding the Antonopoulous example, I am not sure about your reference. Are you talking about him having had failed and refused to save bitcoin because he was spending it all the time, or are you talking about some other example, because the failure and refusal to save bitcoin seems to be an issue that is not related, unless you want to describe the connection that you are suggesting to exist.