... Random rant and insults...
So fuck off and don't read my post.
Did someone die and put you in charge of my reading (and presumable posting) decisions?
Did you forget that you are posting on a public thread, dumbass?
If you want your dumbass ideas to be private, and if you want no one to respond to them, then maybe you should post them in some private location or create your own thread.. probably not too many people would read your nonsense if you had your own thread of your mostly unbaked and seemingly know it all ideas... which obviously you hardly know shit...
Who you think you are, that you can "order" here someone to leave the board.
I don't recall ordering you, but maybe I should try that:
Get the fuck out of here, diptwat dieselmeister!!!!!!!!!!Did it work? Probably not, but hey, for funzies, I tried.
Someone describe to me the situation without any insult.
I tried that, too... for several weeks I have been trying to work with you in regards to responding reasonable to your ongoing posting of stream of conscious, emotionalisms and premature ill-thought out posting nonsense, but you continue with it.
But Big Jay Jay have to begin a rant 10h after I posted my stuff and someone gave a good explanation to it.
I did not realize that there was a time limit for when posts could respond to other posts. That's a new one on me. You feel that you are treated unfairly because the response came 10 hours later?
Without any insult.
You are likely reading insults, but instead it is an increased level of telling you that you are full of shit when you do not seem to get it when people talk nicely to you. If people talk nicely to you, then you somehow believe that you had made some decently valid points, even though you had not.
What is wrong with you, I have to ask.
You think that this is about me? Get a grip, dieselmeister. These are the interwebs, and not everyone is going to give you cookies and warm milk just for being you. I know it kind of sucks, but that is the way thingie-ma-jiggies work, especially when you are spouting out nonsense and refusing to even consider your ongoing baloney.
Did you have some anger issues?
I always thought that I was a pretty nice guy, and even pretty tolerant, too... but hey, maybe my perspective is a wee bit skewed. In regards to my interaction with you, it seems that I have been demonstrating quite a bit of patience with you, too... so there is that angle.
Seek help and try not to insult people here.
You are likely misreading what is going on, and unable to focus on substance because you are too focused upon how you might have been personally affected. In the end, posts, including mine, are not meant to be personal. They are meant to be substantive, but look at you, you made a whole post related to personal matters and failed/refused to even attempt to address my earlier post for its substance.. and surely there was substance there - and perhaps a bit of personal digs here and there because you likely deserve some personal digs due to your ongoing stubbornness.
Btw maybe you said something important, but I stop reading after the first insult.
Exactly.. shows that you are losing it, dieselmeister. You likely need to step back a bit and try to focus on substance, because we are not tending to post about personalities in these here parts.. at least, not for the most part.
So your rant went into nothing.
I would not characterize it as a "rant," even if it may have had some strong language contained therein from time to time. Strong language could have merely been considered as emphasis rather than devolving into emotional outbursts. I don't get too emotional, even when it comes to kind daddy... even though price going up could make many of us a wee bit ccccittttteeeeee!!!!!!!
Or did you wanted to address other people's with that?
Just attempting to address ideas presented.. No need to read more into my posts than are actually there.. then you might be devolving into speculating about something that is not even part of the actual post(s).
Maybe you get some credit for insulting others
I doubt it. People do not tend to appreciate too many arguments, at least those have been my experiences in these here parts.
, don't know,
Yes. Surely you do not know. You are just guessing... pure guessing.
but your Bla Bla didn't reach me,
That's too bad... poor you.. unable to absorbe some kinds of information because you become emotional while reading certain kinds of things that you do not like.
because you have no control over you emotions. I
I believe that I do have quite a bit of control over my emotions, and I doubt that there was very much emotion in my post towards you except the seeming emotions of my calling your various ideas dumb. I would not characterize those as emotions, just attempts at descriptions.. and my posts should speak for themselves, anyhow, in terms of if there may have been some perceptions of emotions contained therein.
I don't think so, and you think so. So our opinions seem to differ, no?
... Random rant and insults...
So fuck off and don't read my post.
Whine about non-existent BTC dumps (or shill altcoins) and get the JJG Slap.
This is the WO way
A much more succinct way of putting the matter. You know I tend to have difficulties boiling myself down to such terseness.
Sucks to be me.