Smart guy! I wouldn't give the police my password either, if my stash was worth millions and my sentence was doable (maybe a few years' jail time). And good luck to the police in "ensuring the man cannot access [his] largesse". Little do they know that his stash is just 24+1 words that he could have hidden anywhere (the +1 word is most likely only in his head anyway). It is a great demonstration of the infinite superiority of Bitcoin over physical stores of value like gold or silver which can he easily stolen or seized and cannot be easily hidden or the owner plausibly denying owning them.
This goes to show how important it is to have that extra word (the "passphrase") in addition to the 24 seed words, and keep it separate from the 24 words (ideally only in your head). In that way, the police (or whoever else) can know that you have corn, but cannot access it, and can even be fooled on the specific amount you own by unlocking a decoy wallet and thinking they got you, whereas in reality they only access what you want them to.
For a more detailed explanation of the above, see my article on Plausible Deniability.