Hey guys let's buy and hodl GME til the day we die! We can do it, let's make the billionaires lose for once (unless they join us ofc)
The billionaires changed their positions in coordination with RH tanking the buys so they are now riding the wave and will be the first to bail.
The dip was extremely low volume with other trading platforms phasing in and out of existence as well (at least the German stock exchanges and OTC brokers I could monitor from my measly retail broker account). There's no way the shorts got even remotely covered during this timeframe.
Remember, there was a short float of 138% when this whole thing started. And while it seems a small percentage of shorts have started covering, they are still haemorrhaging short interest like crazy:
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-gamestop-stocks-shortinterest-idUSKBN29Y29Phttps://isthesqueezesquoze.com/Retailers are not giving them an inch and it seems to be only a matter of time before shorters bleed out and get margin called (depending on what dirty tricks they try to play next).
Isn't there a reliable source for short interest/amount of short positions?
I don't know what the per-requisets are for reporting.
There's a couple analysts as linked above. There are official numbers reported every 2 weeks or so (forgot the direct link actually, but Yahoo! Finance seems to refer to these reports for example:
However since these numbers depend on what the affected institutions self report there's quite a chance that they will report false numbers, as the penalty fees are not even close to what they stand to lose should the short squeeze actually happen.