MacLeod's latestLeaving the Bitcoin Vs Gold discussion aside, he is really tying his credibility to a currency event occurring soon. Perhaps there are supporting factors like the FED
hiding obvious jumps in money aggregators just like preventive hiding of the M3 numbers in 2006 just before Quantitive Easing. Is he taking a brave but perhaps foolish position?
Excellent read, thanks Wekkel.
Echo chamber gung-ho and btc fanatism aside, the scenario portrayed is gloomy but plausible. If all the predictions made in that paper come true, there will be gangs of starving bandits raiding cities and country. The citadel model - à la
Snow Crash - cannot hold, unless we develop and deploy atomic guard dogs soon (Boston Dynamics, hellooo?).
I hope he's only half right. Even with bitcoin to the moon, we might be better off in a world that still makes sense.
2021 will be as interesting as 2020. Let's hope it leads us in a different direction.