... Warren Buffett...
I like reading the materials of Buffet and Munger. There is much practical wisdom in their writings. But you are completely right: they are humans as well with the faults that come with being human.
My first concern with Buffet started when he made the Citigroup deal during the GFC in 2008/2009. That was a clear indication that he was banking on a full government bailout. Not so much capitalism but profits on the back of the tax payer (I admit I don't know how the deal turned out for him).
The second (affirmative) thing was the 'rat poison' quote. That was a clear miss. His later messages were more nuanced ('perhaps not understanding new digital things that good').
The latest gaffe seems to be the purchase of airline stocks (dying already before COVID) and some other stuff. He sold it I believe at near rock bottom again.
Anyway, good reads and has my respect but no Oracle in the sense that he also has hits and misses.
My only regret now is that we may never know his true identity (Satoshi).
I think this is one of the best things about Bitcoin. No leader, no (SEC) attack, no phone number. Couldn't be better and wishing to know Satoshi is asking for the Trojan Horse to come in.