EDIT: Forgot to mention that i feel definitely more relaxed since corn is correcting
But it is not correcting.
That thingie-ma-jiggie that we witnessed (in the past 2-3 days) was a correction for ants, if you had not noticed.
Well, consider having a tiny, tiny stash, a correction for ants is likely to be perceived "bigger", or is it just me?
It could be just you. I am not sure? I will go along with your presentation that you feel that your BTC stash is relatively tiny, and perhaps that could be some kind of explanation for why you get nervous about BTC price changes, because you have a kind of goal to increase your stash and/or to take advantage of BTC price moves...
At the same time, I do not really consider this to be a great justification for trying to NOT let BTC's price movements interfere with whatever plans that you have made for dealing with such BTC price changes. It's almost as if you have not prepared, even though we have been talking about these kinds of potential BTC price movements for a few years
(sure I have been talking about them for nearly 7 years, and you have been for a few years based on this account and your previous one)....
So, I get the sense that you have not pee pared ur lil selfie for these kinds of price moves, even though they are largely within reasonable parameters of the kinds of moves that we have been anticipating.
About that weekly parabola: This is the thing that gave me the scare (for ants, though).
Sure, the weekly parabola does look a bit crazy when looking at it, which surely causes some anticipations that corrections could come at anytime and play out extremely - but at the same time, fuck the charts, you should not be letting these stupid ass charts interfere with your plans and causing you to NOT stick with your previous plan, to the extent that you had some kind of a decent plan... and your plan should not be lacking in so much concreteness that it causes you to try to time price moves and/or overly play your hand because you perceive your stash to be small and you want to increase it.. blah blah blah..
At (mid term) fuck-you price levels of corn, i can more or less only sell a fraction (up to a third, the rest is locked in hodl mode) near the next "top" to buy back at the next "captitulation", if these events ever happen again anytime soon... i mean within years, to grow it. The timing of this is at the core of my "nervousness" (for ants, but still).
Maybe you should be a bit more specific about what you are saying here, or maybe it is that your plan is lacking in specifics and you are too much caught up in attempts to time these price moves.. and even trying to get towards the top with any of your shaving off some BTC profits so that you might be able to buy lower.
I still believe those to be a bit ridiculous of mindsets in terms of attempting to time the market and the BTC price, but hey peeps are going to do what they are going to do. I personally believe it is way less emotionally involving to have some kind of plan in which you sell set amounts at set price points and do not worry about whether you are able to buy back lower or not.. and sure if you are able to buy back lower, then great, but do not be counting on it or fucking around with the timing aspect.. just set your plan and attempt to follow it within a certain degree of flexibility, if you so choose.
So for example, with your trading stash that you proclaim to be 1/3 of your total stash, I would suggest NOT to be trying to play the whole 1/3 in one go, but instead, pick some various BTC price points that you shave off some proportion of that stash, such as 1/10th of it each time that the BTC price reaches various price points set by you.. and of course, you can tweak those price points if your senses change (but it might not be a good idea to tweak if you have already thought through ahead of time regarding what those price points should be) or some other variation of preset price points that is not going to cause you to have such high levels of emotionalism in regards to your trying to play and time too much of it in one go.
Sure, I understand that part of your excitement remains something like the BTC price playing out way more bullish that the most bullish of your expectations - but that is the way the king daddy is.. so you should have already been attempting got plan and prepare both financially and emotionally for these kinds of greater than expectations kinds of happenings within the bitcoin scene.
Hopefully this is helpful in some kind of way, and of course, in the end, you gotta find your own specific price points and practices that feel comfortable for you, and surely mine are likely a wee bit different from yours... including the fact that previous plays can frequently affect present or future plays... and of course, each of us come out differently when it really comes to diving into each of the personal factors that should be included in these kinds of considerations and planning which are cash flow, other investments, view of bitcoin as compared to other investments, timeline, risk tolerance and time, skills and abilities to learn or to tweak plans from time to time including the extent to reallocate or trade, if at all.
breakfast time! Have a nice pumpy day WOs!
You have a nice day, too.