to be like nov 2017 we would be at 35k to be like ath of dec 2017 we need to be at 78k.
this from a mining viewpoint.
if you want to say it from a trade viewpoint we were 3900k and to jump to 78k is 20x
in jan of of 2017 we were about 1k in dec of 2017 we were about 20k.
hmm 20x jump did not I just mention this for the mining viewpoint?
so we would be at dec 2017 ath when we reach 78k
this is much like 2016 not 2017
I agree. This feels like the "this is a sucker's rally" phase of Nov-Dec 2016.
OG Bitcoin bulls were the only ones excited. Hadn't broken previous ATH of 1150 yet. MSM was hardly reporting anything. Trolls were long gone. Volume was still low. Nocoiners were still oblivious.
Then we rounded the corner into 2017 and broke the previous ATH. And then all hell broke loose. MSM went crazy after that.
So we've still got all of 2021 to go before we see "crazy shit".
Have i been talking to walls the past 3 years? Or just Baby boomers? Im out of this bs, anyone sent me PM when they will wanna give me my Coins back or finance some real skill. Peace