The folks who desire a lifestyle of “hookers, Lambos, and blow” are indistinguishable from nihilists. Drug addicts are the worst of applied practical nihilists.
Needs video. Some of the most beautiful hookers that I have ever seen in a fucking Youtube video, cocaine by the kilo bag, and—well, not a Lambo, but a classic sports car
* in mint condition.
And a yacht.(* Which one, WO automobile enthusiasts?)Watch to the end. Life is so cheap.
(And the lyrics lampoon people with cheap lives on social media! ЛOЛ.) Have a nice trip! Bon voyage!Protip: If nullius drops a Youtube link, it is probably not stupid.
^ So NULL is not nothing, right?
So you are done with this discussion, right? I am
glad that you are not; so I have
updated my prior reply for you.
Do you even code?
Thus spake the know-nothing who did not get this C language joke:
*(long long unsigned int*)NULL
Try it! Language lawyers will attest that it is perfectly correct C, which (like the rest of my posts) you are unable to read. You may also test empirically that it compiles...
main(int argc, char *argv[])
return (*(long long unsigned int*)NULL);
...and it runs!
$ cc -o crash crash.c
$ ./crash
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I will not explain it to people who obviously don’t code.
Thanks so much for that thrilling lesson in classical philology. I had
no idea!
^^ to the link to that post.
You know the fbi used posts from here for the "you can't catch me EvEr! Ulrich" case right?
Are you high? I mean, right now. On something that induces paranoid ideations.Edit: Retracted with a semi-apology, because what you said could be read two ways. I may have misread it—maybe. FYI, the infestation of the Internet with provocateurs (OP on that thread?) promoting “Four Horsemen of the Cryptocalypse” anti-Bitcoin propaganda is the reason why, at “Newbie” rank, I made sure to express my opinion of drugs unequivocally.Because it is
perfectly logical that an undercover cop would announce that he dislikes drugs. 🤔
Oh, and an undercover cop (—
best of all, an agent provocateur—) would
never want
to encourage you to engage in illegal activities
and brag them—as seen in that shitshow exchange of braggart drug stories a few days ago, which I’m sure was neatly archived by various police agencies.
(Don’t bother deleting your posts, idiots.)Opsec protip #1: If you engage in illegal activity, DO NOT TALK ABOUT ILLEGAL ACTIVITY. (← Something that an undercover cop would be unlikely to say.)Opsec protip #NULL: Do not do illegal activity. (← And avoid like plague anybody on the Internet who tries to chat you up about illegal activity; it reeks of agent provocateur bent on entrapment.) I don’t do illegal things. Not because I give a fuck about the law, but just because most illegal activities are anyway undesirable to me. If drugs were perfectly legal, I wouldn’t do them. In saner times, before the birth of modern drug laws
and its twin, modern drug culture, drugs were freely available—and most people didn’t do them!
Mixing politics and religion is a bad idea, history has shown it and unfortunately it continues to do so
Are you
completely illiterate?
(No, wait—don’t answer that.) Who the fuck is advocating religion here?
I have seen those that scream the loudest about their freedom work the hardest to curb others freedoms.
Leaving no reasonable doubt that you were actually talking about me:New wordy man is far more interesting than old wordy man.
There is something to be said about consistency.
I have seen those that scream the loudest about their freedom work the hardest to [get their nanny government to] curb others freedoms.
I challenge you to back up your nonsense:
Show me even one post where I have ever supported the so-called “War on Drugs” in any way.You know who loves the War on Drugs?
Murican answer, hereby apropos:- The CIA. World-class dope dealers—plus, there’s that MKULTRA thing which you should probably look into...
- The FBI. More more bigger budgets!
- The NSA. It is a tailor-made excuse for mass-surveillance.
- Your local police. The War on Drugs means that they get snazzy tanks and military rifles. Would life be any fun without SWAT teams?
- The DEA. Which would not exist without the “War on Drugs”. DEA agents need jobs, too! —By the way, geniuses, why the fuck do you suppose that the DEA closely supported the making of Breaking Bad, a television show that glorified drugs whilst pretending to moralize against them? Check the credits, and read up on the making of the show; it is two-faced, fork-tongued DEA propaganda, from start to finish.
- DARE. As you yourself noted, Hueristic—
—DARE brainwashes into the general habit of ratting out their parents—a habit which the State then exploits as generally applicable to all sorts of other things, too. - Drug culture addicts. It gives them a rebellious way to stick it to The Man—right before The Man sticks it back to them harder!
A rule of practical politics in the modern world:
The ever-expanding State loves to promote the exact problems that it pretends to solve.Whereas
Hueristic, et al., you seem to be against my freedom to think for myself. I sincerely think that drugs are bad. I have good reasons for that. I will not pretend otherwise, and I will not shut up.
I do not follow any herd—also not your herd. Fuck peer pressure:
I am peerless.* nullius is nobody’s peer.
Your freedom to ruin yourself as you please does not impose on me
a positive duty to condone it.I have seen those that scream the loudest about their freedom work the hardest to curb others freedoms.
My personal political manifesto:Mine is the anarchy of the few... It is the anarchy of those who love order, and impose order first on themselves: They who live by honour and not law. They must become laws unto themselves.
Don’t reject authority: Be your own authority.
Or: Escaping the tyranny of the State by rejecting all authority, and even common sense, is like escaping the tyranny of the banks by rejecting all money, and even all economic activity.
Be your own bank.