Yep because people choose to believe that it is political it then becomes political.
BTW it would all be solved if people simple stopped fucking for about a decade.
Once there are no babies people would start to become valuable as a limited resource much like BTC is non inflationary.
Just think as a human the single best action you can do is have any kind of sex, but intercourse. Solves many of the worlds problems. Actually gives power to the people not the politicians or big business.
Can you imagine the world population shrinking to a sustainable size and every simply having a lot of fun sex?
The chances of that are the chances of me picking a key at random and finding a 10 btc address.
Sex is not that simple. There are reasons why most humans prefer intercourse. Reasons almost beyond control. Neurotransmitters, hormones, endorphines...
You can't just "control" that. Life does not become simple just by looking at it in a simple way. Likewise, things don't become political because people
choose to believe so.
Everything human is awfully complex. If you don't respect that, you probably never get real problems solved real well. Maybe by accident, but on the rarest of occasions, if we look at our history.
Now for the important part:
Our population never was meant to shrink. In fact, there is no "overgrow" of humans, but the sick politic and economic systems that don't work for an expanding population. These systems were made to work for a few and enslave the rest. Global food production would cover 9 billion people's needs
twice. Still, look how many people are starving. A difference between Africa and America, as an example, is that people are comparably well educated, so they must be tricked into believing to be "free" (among other helpful beliefs).
The inhere sickness of servicing the few, instead of servicing the many, is the real problem of the world's politics.
And see, they already tricked you by believing that the population growth is to blame. Also, the systems are made in ways that you can't really change. You can just replace them. And that might be as a long way as it came to be like it is today. Thousands of years. And it depends on educating and training people to handle primitive motivations like greed, fear, hate from the start of life until they have grown up. Then we might eventually be able to make it work for all of us, not just a few.
See, bitcoin is solving systemic problems at the root. That's why it will win the fight, the fight that was started by
the few.
This is a key example how to transfer power from
the few to
the many. As long as
the many manage to stop fighting each other,
the few will lose.
The few are well aware of that, so they manipulate
the many into feeling greed, hate, fear (...) about each other.
the many can't simply take over power by trying to become like
the few.
I hope you got my point, i'm feeling really bad at expressing things today
Edited the post because of that, too.