also not suggesting that we should not try to treat animals more ethically or that we shouldn't try to preserve nature where it still exists. all this is important but we cannot escape "our" nature - which is to create our own environment globally.
+1 WOsMerit
Check this out = David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet
It's on netflix and probably a few other places. He started by saying "we have to fix this, or else." something like that.
+1 WOsMerit
I've seen it yesterday, it was breath taking and frightening at the same time a true eye opener. This is a must watch for everyone.
Nature must be protected at all costs for the future of humanity because by protecting it we protect ourselves.
Unfortunately we will continue destroying Earth's biodiversity/deforestation/over fishing-farming/polution and add climate change to the mix is a recipie for complete disaster ore even extinction. Some previous extintion evens took millions of years however the next one may happen in just 100 years. (Paashaas claps his hands)
There are some successes here and there but it might be to late for that, the money system does not allow us to fix it, in fact most problems in this world and our lifestyle is caused by it.
If we fix the fiat system than we'll fix a lot of problems, this is why Bitcoin is so important. Bitcoin is the total package in terms of the redistribution of wealth/power and to restore nature, it is (imo) one of the -if not- the most important invention of oure life-time.
+1 WOsMerit
Good morning Bitcoinland.
Up a little this morning... currently $10920USD/$14444CAD (Bitcoinaverage).
A step in the right direction. Go Bitcoin go.
Got lucky with Hurricane Delta. It downgraded to category 2 before making landfall and thus caused much less damage than anticipated.
No fatalities nor even any injuries have been reported and all reports are that damage has been minimal... mostly toppled trees and wires in our general area.
It will probably be another couple of days before power and internet are restored and we can find out how we fared. We're keeping our fingers crossed.
What a year!
+1 WOsMerit
Some good news..lets hope your haciendas remains unscathed Jimbo. Nothing like worrying over a place or thing where you cant get any info. Hopefully the blackout lifts soon. Lo mejor de las suertes.
/repeated rant on
I watched as a young child as my parents marched in the 60's for civil rights and to end regime change wars. I watched them march in the 70's over gas shortages engineered by nation states and big oil companies. These entities operating with complete disregard towards environmental consequences and without a ounce of moral decency.
They carried this fight into my adulthood in the 80's and 90's where I picked up their cry and joined in protesting and being 'green' as we know it now, before it was even really a thing. Somewhere in the back of my mind this thought that they would live to see the changes we had all dreamed of.
The dream of not passing on this continued criminal neglect and destruction of our Planet.
My parents are gone now and I am left with carrying on the fight as best as I am able. Teaching my children as I was taught as best I can.
That this Earth we call home is
There is literally no other place to go...and why would we? As much as I advocate a colony on Mars and for humanity to expand into the final frontier of space we need to take care of our own backyard first.
Saying that, it doesnt have to be one or the can and should be both...and more.
We are capable of so much...and we have more than enough resources AND production facilities for everyone. Many times over if we take a responsible long term custodial approach to this amazingly beautiful place we live on.
I have been lucky enough to travel some..and I can tell you I have wept with joy and wonder at the shear awesomeness that is Mother Nature. The grand vistas and profusion of life that abound throughout multiple ecosystems.
Our Mother is hurting now...and it is past time for change.
In my lifetime I have seen the gradual changes that are now increasing more rapidly. Event piling on event in cascade towards a future where life as we know it might not be possible on the surface of our planet anymore.
I am sick and tired of it. It has to change. I am unwilling to keep passing this off to the next generation.
We have to act now..before its too late.
/repeated rant off