...fade to black; for I am not inclined to write actual porn in WO unless somebody pays me good BTC for that.
I'm already doing that for free, helloooo..
I suppose that that is the difference between a slut and a whore. ;-)
Now just need to get down n dirty.
Thanks; but having already been the subject of the forum’s most notorious sex scandal, I think I’ll hodl my reserve. Call me a bit coy.
Ciphersex is still in my post history.
On the hermeneutics of bitcuck porn@TheVladCostea
Decided to research Bitcoin pr0n and found this gem:
– Couple tries to buy BTC from ATM, stranger approaches them to inform that fees are too high;
– Stranger takes them to their office to sell them BTC in person.
– Boyfriend doesn't have enough money, so he trades GF for 1 BTC.
Not sure why he's looking so worried though.
It’s a bitcuck porn plot. He is not in control. He is not an active decision-maker who chose to have a whore for a girlfriend (or whore her out) because he enjoys that—as some do; but that would be a quite different porn plot. Rather, he is a poor plebe who can’t afford to buy 1 BTC; accordingly, his attempted Bitcoin purchase spun wildly out of his control. He is powerless.
His girlfriend has power: She has the power to extract 1 BTC from a man with her feminine wiles. Hey, can
you make 1 BTC within minutes?
The man fucking her has power: He has the Bitcoin, and she will do
anything for that! Here, it is literally fuck-you money.
Bitcoin itself has power: King Daddy does not give a fuck what the cuckold boyfriend wants. As a divine fiat, Bitcoin has decreed that his girlfriend is going to get fucked by a total stranger right in front of him. And that’s that.
The worried-looking man just got cucked by Bitcoin.
Analysis based on LFC’s description. Could be mistaken, though the “worried” shot seems to be a dead giveaway. I did not (yet?) watch the porn.
Bit Advice Dear Nullius,
Our beautiful young daughter says she's in love with a man 3 times her age. When we question her about it, she keeps telling us she just loves a man who HoDLs; we don't even know that that means!!
Please tell us, what we should do!
worried in WO.
Dear Mr Worried:
It seems that you disapprove of this relationship. The reasons are of null consequence to me; that is your family business. Regardless, if you live in a sane jurisdiction, then you have a paternal right to sue the man in court, for to stop him from marrying your daughter.
—What’s this? All those old laws were repealed due to feminism, and a
woman’s naïve, lovestruck young maiden’s unlimited, inalienable right to make drastic, life-altering decisions without patriarchal oppression? Oh, dear me: I forgot to turn over my calendar. What century is this...
—What’s that? He does not want to marry her, but is only in it for a pump-and-dump scam? Well, I guess that
you are your daughter is screwed.
The good news is that it seems she has a keen instinct for money. If she can learn to keep her emotions out of it, she may have a fine career ahead of her.
It is a venerable profession, the oldest profession; and like any other business, it must be approached as a business: The girls who have long-term success are those who know such business basics as pricing, market segmentation, advertising, accounting, budgeting such that revenue exceeds expenses, planning a capital reserve to cover short-term downturns in client demand, etc., etc. Of course, the best product commands the highest prices; thus, taking into account her natural assets, your daughter can maximize her earnings potential by optimizing her skillset.
Teach her the rudiments of business administration, as are applicable to any business—and admonish her to keep her concepts straight. By saying that she “just loves a man who HoDLs”, she means that she loves a man who has money. This can be optimized if she admits that she loves money, period.
To avoid confusion, I should clarify that “money” is an archaic term for what most of us simply call Bitcoin.
NSA surveillance photo of you, Mr Worried:Indeed, it may be unfortunate if you wanted grandchildren, and a continuing familial legacy. But that would be the only rational reason to object to your daughter’s newfound profession. She will
make money, which is really important—
right? She will make more money than she would as a secretary or a kindergarten teacher, or a Human Resources meatbot—let alone if (gasp!) she were to become a housewife. Whereas for high-income jobs, just think of the
shame that you would suffer if your daughter were to become a lawyer, a politician, or an investment banker!
As a practical matter, may I suggest that you plan a liquidation phase for your investments, and make sure that you
spend it all on hookers before you die. After all, markets are subject to the law of supply and demand; and as you can see, supply is up. If market demand does not increase commensurately, then prices will fall. You don’t want for your daughter to be poor, do you? Do your part to keep the market bullish by keeping your daughter’s competition busy!
Cheers from the current year,
Edit:A girl like that is affordable for everyone in this forum.
It is just a matter of length of time that differs.
I rest my case.