Sell some short term so I can try to buy MOAR lower?
I’ve been heavily invested in corn for 6 years & never tried to day trade. It’s degenerate gambling imo & even if you’re an expert at TA, market movements etc you probably only have a 50/50 or 60/40 success rate. It’s not for me but maybe I’m just too stupid.
What I will do is when I think (it’ll be a total guess) we’re near some kind of top next year I’ve leave 6 figures on an exchange & at least try to buy some of the huge bulk of my stash I’ve sold back. It’ll be the first time I’ve ever done something like that. I might get to buy some of my stash back cheap but if I don’t, no problem, the rest of the coins I sold will be more than enough so I never have to work again, hookers, Lambos, blow etc.
I think that you have precisely identified the issue, LFC.
When you sell your BTC, you gotta be ready, willing and able to leave the proceeds of those sales on the table forever and ever and ever and NOT be planning, hoping or wishing to buy back lower.
So, it appears that you have never been willing to take that chance, and I doubt that anyone can fault you for that personal inclination, even if some of us might come to differing conclusions regarding at what points to sell some BTC and how much.
I have actually seen you revise your thinking on this matter through the years, and probably both of us can recall that you had gone through tentative plans to sell very large portions of your BTC in around the $50k region (surely a price that we have never reached, yet), but you seemed to have modified your thinking and even revised plans that are still going to allow you to reach your hookers, lambos and blow goals in somewhat revised ways that are presumably even better tailored to your own situation, including your risk tolerance and other personal variables.
Anyhow, I admit that some members might get somewhat bored with my repetition, and I have even had to revise my psychology along the way too, because when I was first selling BTC in late 2015, I was having some difficult times to really psychologically leave those sales behind - and surely, I have way fewer psychological issues in that direction these days, and my thinking is more strongly in the arena that if I make any sale of my BTC whether it is .001, or .0352818 or some other BTC amount, I am largely ready, willing and able to leave those BTC behind if the price does not return to my preset points.
Sure, I might tweak my sell or my buy back plan here and there along the way, and I do make some tweaks on a fairly regular basis, but my overall psychology has become a lot stronger in terms of leaving my sales behind when I make them, and part of my own justification for that comfortable feeling is that I believe that I had largely over-invested in BTC 2014/2015, so I am more than willing to part with some of those BTC along the way.
By the way, regarding a tweak that I had done in the past couple of days, I had looked at my BTC sell settings between about $11,500 and about $14,500, and I thought that those BTC sell orders were not quite right. There was something "off" about them in terms of really harmonizing with my psychology and my then thoughts of my finances.. and of course, some psychology can change a bit when the BTC price goes shooting up $2k in less than a week with $1,700 of that price appreciation within about 12 hours.. hahahahaha.. Anyhow, I tweaked all of my BTC sell orders between $11,500 and about $14,500 that caused for better harmony and maybe even changes in the overall added up amounts being sold within that price range by somewhere in the 5% arena...
I also had various outstanding BTC sell orders between $15,500-ish and $36k-ish that had a mixture of placement dates between early 2018 and even a few stragglers that were placed in mid-2019. I reviewed those BTC sell orders and I thought about them in terms of my current personal situation, and the punchline is that I didn't feel any need to adjust any of those $15,500 to $36k BTC sell orders, even though they had already been in place for a few years.. but I did have to make a few minor (maybe technical and not really amount-wise) adjustments to some BTC sell orders between $22k and $36k for an exchange that I had NOT been using very much in early 2017/2018.. so I had not yet created those BTC sell orders between $22k and $36k, which I accomplished in the past couple of days...
Side note: interesting that with this particular BTC price move, I ended up being more motivated to toothpick level analyze all of my BTC sell orders between $22k and $36k, when I had not been motivated to do such tweaking at any earlier date, including our April-June 2019 BTC price rise to $13,880. That April-June 2019 BTC price rise (and/or any subsequent BTC price movement, until this recent one) did not motivate me to even consider tweaking those $22k to $36k BTC sell orders.