We are comfortable with different trade offs. I think a distributed system with the least amount of trust possible is worth more than you do.
Well, no. I think that placing your trust in the lowest common denominator is trust misplaced.
Further, I am not looking for a system 'governed by the technocratic elite', I am looking for a system with enough capacity to be money for the entire world. And 3-7 tx/s just ain't gonna cut it.
OK. So how many transactions per second do you think is the minimum we should aim for?
5 doesn't scale... neither does 100.
How about 1 transaction per day for half of the people alive as a starting point? (Still waaaay too small really)
That's (I am guessing) about 40k/sec. Which would be what? 40Gbish blocks?
So Google and, Amazon and a handful of world governments will be who we trust to keep the blockchain??
It seems to me scaling the blockchain by making it bigger and keeping it safe from control and collusion is impossible.
Hmmm. So it would seem that your claim is that it is impossible for BTC to be the default monetary system for the world.
Allow me to disagree. I mean, it _could_, should it not be intentionally crippled. Accordingly, thank god for the big block chains.