Ibian, be nice.
You can't blame every individual of a whole (artificial) group for that groups collective actions.
And I also think that the boomers of Scandinavia started raising taxes before the boomers of north America. Besides, being born in 1961 and thus a boomer I must say that I was born in to a system already in place. I never voted for higher taxes, I always voted for lower taxes.
And I don't like the runaway welfare state we have in Scandinavia, and never has.
I never claimed to be nice.
I can blame the people who act like the group average. Anyone can. Especially when they don't give any appearance of giving a damn. Tell them to be nice maybe? See how that goes.
It's a global problem. World war and all. The states is not the world. Boomers just made things worse. They COULD have voted opposite, or for a third option. They alone had the power to do so. Here we are.
#notallboomers. Just most.