Guess who called in the paramilitary into Washington D.C tonight? aware they are private so they are like contract
mercs so they dont care what laws they break.
Don't we need the anti-hero to go into battle now?
War has come in 3..2..1
I watched the video where he claims private military is coming to DC. Most comments are asking where he got his information. He said to Google "private military Washington DC" and check under News.
I did. I don't see anything. Any further information on this?
I know that in Iraq the mercenaries were used to bust in doors and do things the US military was not allowed to do because of treaties and such. I think I was close to being hired for one such company but I had to turn down the job because they needed my to quit my job that Friday and start weapons training that Monday. They could not tell me what I would be doing. I told them I needed to give my company 2 weeks notice.
If they did hire these private contractors to come in to take care of this: I doubt they will give them an ETA of when they plan to come giving up the element of surprise to quell the situation.
Going on for the past 3 nights I think he is filling his shorts right about now.
Yeah those groups are hiring anybody with a military backgroud then just molding them into these soldiers of fortune.
They were sold off back in 2011 to some private investors.
Maybe trump was one of those who poured millions to pay these rag tag crews to "shoot to kill" protestors fighting with rocks and sticks holding their kids with them.
You see that picture of a police officer pointing a rubber bullet gun at a 6 year old kid?
This has gotten out of hand and no coming back #trumpout2020