It's not a matter of being selfish.
It's a matter of spreading unnecessary fear, FOR NOTHING.
Pretty much every study and over 100,000 dead people in the US disagrees with your second assertion. Unless you can quote peer reviewed studies (impact factor >3 please) which show that this is "a matter of spreading unnecessary fear" and wearing masks has no impact (for nothing) then this is your opinion and not fact.
I'm fine with people having their own opinions, but when they clash this hard with objective reality I'd have to assume they are either completely ignorant or actively malicious.
Also it's my fucking right not to be afraid, without dick-fuck-pussies telling me what to do.
That's a much better argument. I'd still assert that you are ignorant of the studies above or misinformed, but if not then it sounds like you're a selfish dickhead who wants to do what he wants to do. Not a problem, do not wear a mask and people can choose to stay away from you and deny you access to their property and persons.
I'd check with Arrie though to see if this is bad or not.
#MoHomo :-)
I approve.
There is no doubt that masks help, but there is also the question of personal freedom, at what point does not wearing a mask infringe on other peoples freedom,if it does at all.
I mostly agree with lightfoot on this, although I would refrain from name calling, after all, anyone can see if you are wearing a mask or not and stay the hell away if the are worried about contamination.