Now, on Bolsonaros relaxation of gun laws, his point is that if good citizens have the ability to shoot the bad guys, the bad guys will think twice before trying to rob someone, in the beginning that might very well lead to more gun deaths, as the bad guys are being culled, but that's not a bad thing, it's just according to plan.
On occasion of your discussion I would like to throw my 2 cents. So, when all this plandemic stuff started here in Europe they went to the shops to buy toilet paper when at the same time in US guns and ammunition sale rised 300%up.
I realize that having right to own gun is much better then not having. Even if there are some obvious "costs" of this fact. Now when probably they will force obligatory vaccination in most of Europe we can make online protest at best (if they do 2nd lockdown).
In US you can visit local council as it happened in Michigan and say your no. That's real difference.
Sad to say but Europeans are bunch of disarmed assholes... For what they really needed this paper? To make compress on bitten ass by police batons?
To be clear: I'm not antivacciner - if you like you can take jab as often as you wish, I just would like to secure my right to opt-out.