You are one of the dysgenic people. None of that shit matters, even if it was true. The only thing that matters is, is the state going to kill a large part of the population? That's what communists do. And they can only do it to a disarmed population.
Try harder, Ibian. Get me upset!
You really think everything is just black or white? right or wrong? good or bad?
How old are you, seriously?!
If by dysgenic he means you are stupid (and therefore he is 'obviously right') then:
1. He is stupid.
2. He is probably banging on about eugenics again (you know - kill off the poor, the stupid, anyone who disagrees with him... etc.). Essentially, he is a totalitarian. Just the sort it is wise to hope never gain positions of responsibility over others.
3. He is also proving his own lack of intelligent thought in asserting that communism is the only political system to fear. Both political 'poles' are wont to oppress and murder their own. Today, corrupt authoritarianism is patently more likely today to come from capitalist governments heading to the right, who seek to overthrow any semblance of democracy as it is inconvenient when they seek more power over their people. Examples of a lurch to the right are evident in far more places than a lurch to communism. That he thinks Brazil is a more promising place to live in than his current locale - which is in the 'communist' states of Scandinavia; states with populations often reported as living the happiest lives and having best living standards on the planet in numerous surveys - is... interesting. As for 'only communists', he seems to forget right wing European states have been known to have a pretty good go at both eugenics and mass murder.
4. He probably suffers from extreme narcissism, he strikes me as someone who even if everyone on the planet disagreed with him and had objective proof he was wrong, he would hold to his creed and never change it, believing them to be the stupid ones. Evidence is useless to him if it conflicts with his own beliefs, and evidence is not necessary to have in order to reinforce them.
I have him on ignore. I don't hate him... it's just those who lack self-doubt also tend to lack the sentience to be worth arguing with, so I won't.
'None of that shit matters, even if it was true' seems to sum it up: QED.