... it's not all smiley, sweet and light in NZ and the 'world' only gets the view that the global progressive media choose to portray.
She has totally trashed the NZ economy to achieve it with a ridiculously harsh lockdown for over 6 weeks and doled out 20% of GDP on no-questions-asked payments to her voting bloc (twice as much corona-chan rescue spending per capita GDP as other countries), in an election year. NZ govt. debt levels have skyrocketed and now set back ~30 years of frugality in less than 3 months. It's has been an orgy of gubmint spending for people to basically sit on the couch. GDP is expectd to contract by ~20-30% for the affected quarter.
... the hangover will be long and painful, NZ is now one of the most indebted to foreigners per capita countries in the world.
What's US's GDP and how much have they spent?
... graph from the conveniently linked article, (because when you are too lazy to even open your mouth fucking spoonfeeding can't work I guess).
... from memory US GDP was around $21 trillion in 2019