I think PlanB and the phase change S2FX model is interesting but swerves heavily into behaviourial economics which becomes quite subjective/speculative.
Also I think the orders of magnitude are off. Currently bitcoin 'capitalisation' is around the USD100-200 billion range, and due to bitcoin's unique programmable properties it makes it difficult to put that valuation into a neat M0, M1, M2 type money supply classification of economics anyway. A 'phase change' to the next level at maybe 10-20x current capitalisations is not going leave bitcoin anywhere near 'geopolitical force' level, even at a peak. However, the next level could easily attract a lot of the "stolen riches" that have been printed up to paper over the graft, malfeasance and theft from our hyper-financialised fiat-debt crony-socialist system. The stolen riches are of the order USD10-20 trillion by my crude estimates. Bitcoin going to USD2-3 trillion capitalisation in the next phase change would definitely vacuum up a chunk of some of the stolen riches but I don't see any geopolitical asset allocations (central banks, treasuries, national wealth funds, etc) at this phase.
Contrary to many speculations about coming hyperinflations in fiat-denominated economies I don't think we will see widespread hyperinflation. Why haven't we seen any CPI inflation the previous 3 decades in Japan and the last 15 years in the West? The system is finely tuned now to cause only inflation in financial assets not consumer goods. Subsequently all the monetary 'fixes' are now being manifest as economic problems; stagnation, low wages, middle class hollowed out, historic wealth inequalities, etc. All the money that gets printed only goes to the top 0.1% that had all the money in the first place, it's like a shitcoin staking bonus system or something. So my point here is the M0 for the world of around $100 trillion base money is not representative of the total monetised assets in the world since many financial assets, property, commodities and derivatives have become monetised as the asset-holding classes try to escape fiat debasement over the last 50 years. The monetary premium now built into those dollar-denominated assets needs to be added to the $100 trillion of global M0 to get a true 'geopolitical' M* measure (order of magnitude) for the final phase change that PlanB talks about. I'd guess that's in the USD200-500 trillion magnitude. I don't see bitcoin capturing a significant chunk of that monetary float capital until after the 2024 halvening or the one after that at the earliest. Imperial systems take time to collapse.
After the upcoming stolen riches phase change taking us to $1-2 trillion market cap range there is also the consideration that a bloc of 'rebel' nations may defect the fiat-debt system at an earlier phase change to the majority, creating an interim 'geopolitical subwave' phase. Before the majority of nations move to a bitcoin standard, say China, Russia, Iran, N.Korea, Venezuela, Zimbabwe and other rekt systems by default move to bitcoin majorly in 2024-25, creating a market cap. of USD10-20 trillion range is then a possibility. After that, then the major economies begin to defect to bitcoin in a major move beginning 2028-30 taking bitcoin into the USD50-100 trillion range, but the value of the dollar will be becoming immeasurably meaningless by that stage.
Oh my, if you carry on like this, we'll become best buddies for ever.
No, on any civilized keyboard Ö is next to L.
Exactly where the
stress is located, on the Greek keyboard.