... brace yourselves for disappointment, it's a set-up before the major down leg that is coming in stocks then probably bitcoin also when the vicious 2nd wave of the virus is unleashed. They are setting everyone up for maximum despondency and despair so you are begging for the vaccine. It's all a big mindfuck game and bitcoin is part of the play too.
You honestly thinking that? Not sure.....
You're wrong, buddy. Again.
What you see is not an ordinary boom-bust cycle. It is not an ordinary wave going back and forth on the shore. It is a giant tsunami wave on the horizon. The hyperinflation tsunami will be upon us this year just after US elections. And this time the biggest bubble is the unit you use to measure the bubbles. The Dollar itself is the biggest bubble! This is why in the next couple of months if there is any deflationary pressure it will be very modest.
The virus hysteria is a circus set up to justify money printing and dilute responsibility!
... I hope I'm wrong but watching you young guys get all excited is giving me a bad feeling I've seen this movie before ... gold market in '96, asia crisis in '98, Sept. 11 and GFC 2007/08, euro crises 2011. These bastards are not going to go without a major shitfight and you've got to be prepared mentally for that.
Bitcoin is going to fuck up their shit bigly so they will use every shitty trick in the book to break your spirit. They are insane in how much they are prepared to lie, steal and fuck up our nations and the planet to stay in power ... including spreading a global virus even ...?
... again, I hope I'm wrong and bitcoin blows their corrupt game back into hell where it came from but don't expect it to happen easily.
I'm hearing the second wave shitstorm is getting ready to be unleashed so the timing of the bitcoin rally is highly suspect and looks a little contrived. Hope for the best, prepare for the rest. Go bitcoin.
Fuck off craptotourist, gubmint cabal cunt agents like you are the rats bitcoin was made to poison.