I was thinking about the price correlation between bitcoin and legacy markets and all the negative economic news that will be coming down the pipe over the next 6 months as the world adjusts to post covid-19. I started to think about what if bitcoin was unable to de-couple and gets dragged down in the huge inflation crisis that is already baked into fiat and has been exacerbated by this pandemic. I wondered what my reaction would be if bitcoin fell below $5k...and kept falling...down to $3k...and maybe..maybe it got really bad...like total collapse..how would I handle it?
Thats when I had the epiphany. I realised that even if bitcoin fell down to $1k...or less...even down to $100 dollars..I would continue to do what I have been doing for the last 8 years...keep stacking sats. Then the moment became crystal clear for me..even if the price tried to go to zero..it never would. And when I say never...I mean that...bitcoins value will never be zero. If it drops down to a dollar or less...I would buy as many as I could...if it kept dropping..I would buy all of them. Yes...all the coin..I would scoop them up just to have them..just to say 'Look at me! I have all the coins now! I win!'
Now..maybe this is a character flaw...maybe Im a little bit nuts..but hand to God..in that moment of clarity..I knew it to be true...without a shadow of a doubt.
Then my keenly focused subjective reality expanded outwards...and I thought...'Well sheeeit'...there are at least 20 to 30 other crazy mofo's that I know personally who probably have the same plan. They will be trying to scoop up cheap coins by the bucket load if ever the price really tanks..its just not going to happen, I wont be able to get all of them...dammit.
The profound sense of relief that rushed through me was almost indescribable and was followed by a relaxed sense of euphoria that is still reverberating throughout my soul.
As the moment faded..more thoughts poured through my head. Out of the 8 billion people on this planet..I wondered if 21 million of us could or ever would put the value of a bitcoin at 7 figures or higher. Could there be enough other crazy ass fools out there who would pay almost anything to keep at least a million of their wealth secured by a bitcoin. I felt the answer shift from possible..to probable...and then to likely on large time scales. In terms of decades it seems almost certain...and with how things are going...maybe sooner.
Just my two sats for the day. #dyor
That's a very good fundamental analysis. The only thing that I would say to this is that you don't really know since you are not in that situation and, hopefully, never would be.
For all current disbelief, almost everyone can be in a "mindrust state" (sorry for the pun) IF the price change is catastrophic. It is somewhat easy to discuss this during a strong rally, but I know myself well.
I could possibly hold to a very low number, but ONLY if I already took profits that cover my initial investment. That part in non-negotiable for me after I essentially lost a large (for me) account during the 2001-2002 crash. Bought some very speculative stocks on a small margin and as these stocks were cratering, I had to sell EVERYTHING so my account had some positive value (and not negative). That was a lesson to NEVER invest more than 20% (usually just 10%) of my portfolio in anything at ALL. 20% is a mechanical rule. I promised myself never to exceed it. In fact, when something does approach 20%, I eventually take profits so invested [$$-profit] approach 10% (or even lower) back from 20%. I do let profits run otherwise, don't care what % of the overall portfolio one item represents aka no rebalancing. The 10-20% rule only refers to the original investment.