Only the US is blaming China and introduced "China Virus" narrative.
No other country is blaming China and otherwise has a "great relationship" with Xi, according to yesterdays press conference (where the whole stage seemed like to be on a good amount of drugs, imo).
Look closer again.
Don't fall for the obvious.
Thank you for keeping cool and civil and pointing out the facts.
I understand we all get upset and more aggressive than usual in these times, but generalized hate leads to war finally.
And we in Europe still know from our parents where generalized hate and oversimplified answers to complex questions can lead to.
Stay positive folks, if you have nothing else to get joy from, watch the BTC charts. I for one am excited how good BTC masters this crisis.
What am I after all? Just some angry ignorant idiot on the internet right? Is that more than you can handle?
Why convince you?
Maniacs can't be convinced.
Even better, i'll motivate you:
The "enemy" is within your mind. So go ahead, destroy the enemy.
Do you think i wanted to get you upset?
The fact that you base your behaviour on a part of your mind that is constantly ranting, judging and insulting and you have no insight about this process is definitely the description of a maniac. No offense, dude.
Agression is always a reaction, it never "comes from outside", its a way you react to events. You can as well just say "who cares" and focus on solutions. Aggression generates new problems, so this won't help you solve any problem.
YOU are responsible for your emotions, that's a fact. Blaming somebody else for it is childish, definitely.
Grow up. Take responsibility. Be quiet for a while and you will start to "hear" the ranting voice in your head. And if you don't react to it, it will even disappear for short times. The more you get to know this part of your mind, the better you can control it.
Otherwise it will take control over you.
Never asked yourself why people get grumpy when they grow old?
It's because they let it happen.