Along the main routes of traffic. The environment numbers are maybe only a result of the seasonal changes. One of the main spreading factors seems to be indoor location, with preferably many persons, close together, in a high frequency.
Airports, shopping malls, concerts, clubs, subway, bars, ronald mc. arkward and so on. A reproduction value of R=1.4 is enough to let this thing explode. Excellent data you bring up. I have nothing to controvert it so I resort to obfuscating with "seems to be" and "maybe" statements.
Do you think i would assume that everything i learned about Covid is always correct? I don't. So you can't blame me for precise communication in these matters.
You forgot, that on the peak of this pandemic, many people will likely be sick AT ONCE, more or less serious, and can't go to work for a certain time. It's exponential, baby. That's why you gotta slow it down, preferably with the least damage (generally speaking). You seem to assume only the sick and old are the problem, but reality never is that simple. There are a lot of other factors.
Speaking of simple: Simple, wide ranging solutions in complex environments are most likely failing to achieve something specifically wanted. On the downside, they tend to create new problems, sometimes many. I cant deny locking down old and sick only would save millions by avoiding a severe global depression. But I need to justify my fears to massage my ego. It would be a blow to my ego to think I was unduly concerned about doom porn. So Ill just discuss how complicated things are and throw a few truisms in to fluff up the word count.
Speaking of ego...
You truly think you can read between lines, being always correct?
A little over confident, maybe?
The mind of a bear is quite interesting.
Really, i don't know....
But that sounds like too much blow for me now