... so everyone can visit and contaminate their favorite elder.
Forget it. This "quarantine the weak and old"-idea is just shortsighted AF.
Take two minutes and think about the consequences, all of you. That's a lot of cons for an unreal goal this attempt should achieve.
I'm tired, but almost no more sickness. The missus is craving for a movie night in the home theater (aka living room).
See you later, when i'm actually will try to stay more on WO topic.
Observing $5446.
No more nosedives please, BTC
Quarantining the weak and old is exponentially easier than locking down all of society. Most of the truly vulnerable are already in nursing homes. Quarantining nursing homes is not very difficult. Short sighted is giving into panic, locking down everyone, and causing exponentially more deaths long term as the world goes into depression.
The deaths from poverty in a global depression will make the Coronavirus deaths look insignificant.
You don't get it, do you? Quarantining nursing homes was one the first measures taken. It wasn't enough.
With this rates of infection spread people would have ended stopping going to their jobs to avoid risk of infection anyways. Now they can more safely keep working (the ones in critical jobs to support the rest).
Perhaps you dont get it? I never said nursing homes only. Are you reading the posts? Yes, nursing homes isnt enough, they should have locked down all the old and sickly.