Just trying to raise awareness.
This shit is serious. I didn't care about it much tbh till yesterday. Now the more I read about it makes me even more sicker than selling the bottom.
No you are not.
You are just having a really bad day.
Your judgement is off by orders of magnitude.
Oh, and grow a set, will ya?
Guys I have been telling you since weeks, but I will reiterate again.
I will use Italian numbers, adjust downwards by the percentage you think it is correct because Italian population is old, Italians are not good at hospital or whatever reason you think it is correct, but the final reasoning do not change much:
As of today:
DEATHS 1266 7.17%
ICU 1328 9%
if you are infected, you will need hospitalisation in the 50% of times.
If you are in hospital, you will end up in ICU one time in 5.
So think about how many ICU your local has available.
In northern Italy we are way above the national average concerning hospital.
Yo give you context, this is the number of hospital bed per 1000 persons around the world:
Hospital are now running at full capacity.
May regions have no more ICU available.
First comes, first serve, is not a valid criteria to be cured, but they apply a sort of "survival probability assessment to determine to let you utilise a precious ICU bed.
Like in war times.
Bear in mind also that hospital usually are used by the whole community, so they are not used for COVID only, and there other things to care about.
COVID and related security procedures are slowing down every other hospital function (regular medic assessment, dialysis, transplant etc).
Basically: you don't want to be around an hospital to avoid infection
You don't want to be in an hospital, for a totally random reason (car accident/stroke/whatever reason) and in need of an ICU as they are all taken by COVID patient).
This is also why I you must be very careful selecting what to do in your free time (no bike rides, no paragliding, no DIY etc).
Also bear in mind it will take longer for emergency teams to rescue you, as they are already at full capacity for COVID patient.
Of course if an hospital has to select who cure, they will give priority to younger subject, where survival probability is higher, so the other subject is probably not going to survive (this is already happening here in Italy).
Wherever you live, act as the disease were already there.
Incubation period is 14 days and most countries are 10 days behind Italy.
This means probably the disease is actually ALREADY there.
I know I already wrote a very similar message, but this is my experience.
I think it is wise to share it with as many people as possible.
Don't wait for government to act in your place.
Act now by yourself.
Found an Image, it is in Italian but shows the difference between ICU hospitalised patient of the regular FLU plotted against the ones of COVID-19.
Do you understand why it is so dangerous?
Exponential growth and epidemics by 3Brown1Blue