Bernie doesnt like private property or capital. Bitcoin is the ultimate form of private property. Bernie and his communist idealogues in the White House would have been very hostile to Bitcoin for 4 years.
Covbull-19 was very fatal to Bernie's chances and it put money printers into maximum overdrive on their printing presses. Its as bullish as a flu bug can be.
Bernie is by far the best candidate for bitcoin. Even though he is documented as being anti-fed, a higher debt would lead to more money printing, which means a weakening of the dollar and a strengthening of bitcoin. Not to mention he also wants to deliver free high-speed internet across the country which would allow more people to use bitcoin than are currently able.
As an establishment hack, Biden will protect the dollar and poo-poo bitcoin in a similar fashion as Trump.
You have to decide what you value more: a non-socialist president or a pro-bitcoin political/economic environment.
Bernie would have put far left types in powerful positions.
It matters less what Bernie thinks about Bitcoin and the Fed, vs what kind of people Bernie would appoint to hundreds of powerful positions. These would be people who leaned very far left, and once you go far enough left you start wanting to abolish private property and put the gov in control of everything, especially money.
Bitcoin won big when Bernie got trashed. Yes its speculation, but I have no reason to believe Bernie wouldnt put communist/far left idealogues in power at places like the Treasury, the Fed, the Supreme Court, the FBI, the SEC, the Justice Department, etc, and these people would be very hostile to private money like Bitcoin.
Do you think its a coincidence that 2 out of 4 of the communist party ran govs are hostile to Bitcoin to the point of banning exchanges, banning it for use of payments, and not letting their Banks touch it?
Bernie could ban Bitcoin in a heartbeat with an executive order. Trump might talk bad about it but he would never be foolish enough to piss off that many voters. Bernie is such a rigid idealogue I doubt he would give two shits about what people thought.
Biden is a centrist and for Bitcoin in America thats pretty damn good bc centrists will tolerate it.
Covbull-19 saved our asses by taking down Bernie.