Will the spreading of the coronavirus in the US benefit Sanders against Biden? Sanders is (arguably) the politician from whom I've heard about healthcare improvement the most; IMO, the failure of the healthcare system in the USA at this point will give the old man some extra advantage in his campaign.
Bernie is already toast. He got rejected in major primaries on Super Tuesday and has little more chance to win in the betting markets than Hillary Clinton, which is to say he is a big long shot now and his front runner status was destroyed.
Most legal American occupants understand that capitalism made America rich and rich countries do better in emergency situations than poor ones.
When the going could hypothetically get tough bc of some unkown like Covbull-19 people arent looking to switch to an economic system that makes you poorer in aggregate just to make a few deadbeats happy that they will get free shit off the backs of working people.
Id say CovBull-19 helped Biden do so well on Super Tuesday, people started giving more thought to the implications of converting to a Cuba or Venezuela type of economy and how we would fare in bad situations with a guy bent on stifling innovation and prosperity.
Bernie doesnt like private property or capital. Bitcoin is the ultimate form of private property. Bernie and his communist idealogues in the White House would have been very hostile to Bitcoin for 4 years.
Covbull-19 was very fatal to Bernie's chances and it put money printers into maximum overdrive on their printing presses. Its as bullish as a flu bug can be.